August & September 2018 Astrology by Sarah Lyons

August:  ​

Mercury planet of thinking, and action planet Mars are both still in Retrograde motion as August begins.  This is a good time to revisit, repair and reconnect.  Physical activity is a must; exercise and sports help to relieve tension and frustrations.  Beautiful Venus visits relationship sign Libra on the 6th; don’t be surprised to hear from a past love this month. Partnerships and finances are highlighted; but a realistic and powerful vibe comes along that won’t be ignored.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Leo on the 11th starts the lunar cycle with an accent on communication.  Finally, on the 19th Mercury begins forward motion again; but slowly!  Mars makes a return visit to Capricorn on the 12th before going direct on the 27th.  Lots of finishing up will be going on in all areas of life, before the cosmos gives us the green light for new ventures.  The Sun has shined brightly in Leo but on the 23rd moves on to earthy, studiousVirgo, so that we may get organized.  The Full Sturgeon Moon in introspective Pisces on the 26th brings solid opportunities to give life to our dreams and get our goals in motion.

September:  ​

Our last few weeks of summer begin with the cosmos moving swiftly along!  Mercury moves into Virgo on the 5th, to catch up with the Sun.  It’s a great time to get plans in order, as discrimination and efficiency come easily now.  Especially beginning on the 9th, when the fresh New Moon in Virgo brings energy and focus to the planetary combo.  This cycle starts new things with a blended balance of intellect and emotions.

Also, on the 9th, love planet Venus visits strong, passionate Scorpio bringing intensity and mystery to relationships.  We watch our finances more closely now, too; and easily become resourceful.  Mars moves on into Aquarius on the 10th, still gaining speed during its shadow phase.  Levels of action and strength are increasing, stimulated by high intellectual energy.

Mercury enters Libra on the 21st and we give more time to decisions and listen to others in fairness.  Our first day of fall occurs on the 22nd with the Autumn Equinox as the Sun enters Libra!  It’s a social time of year when we become more companionable and partnerships take precedence!

Just two days later on the 24th, the Full Harvest Moon in Aries lights up the autumn sky!  As this lunar cycle comes to a peak it will bring things out for serious consideration as we move forward!


August:  ​The Solar Eclipse in Leo puts YOU on stage and starts your new year! Get back to yourself; review and redo your health plan. Pleasant chats; short trips.  Finances and closures take your attention later.

September:    ​Enjoy home life; decorate.  Family relationships are uplifting and enjoyed. New income options in workplace.  Engage partners and work together for success.  Long distance journeys are healing and enlightening.


August:  ​Duties take a backseat as a new interest in your inner world blossoms.  Introspection brings insight. Reconnect and review now. Income is enhanced.  Partners; relationships are in the spotlight later on.

September: Fun! Romance is serious; karmic. As fall begins look into finances and resources; curb speculation, plan well.


August:  ​Romance continues and your popularity soars!  Social life gets recharged with new possibilities.  Home and family responsibilities will continue.  Health issues surface; balance new and old remedies to resolve.

September:    ​It’s time go within; meditate, let new thoughts feed creativity. Income is enhanced; yet spending is necessary.  Energy goes into fun time!  Spotlight on your relationships as fall begins; balance with family needs.


August:  ​Career reset with new paths takes attention from family matters.  Daily life, trips and mental stress leave you overwhelmed. Retreat to recharge.  Romance is featured and hobbies bring healthy escape now.

September:  ​Time to get back to friends and social life!  You are popular now and travel for enjoyment is likely.  Home and family will take your energy again.  Focus falls on health, duties and workplace as fall begins.


August:  ​Travel to revisit is likely; plan well use caution. Education may have new requirements.  Social times are enjoyed now. Keep an eye on finances.  Home and family are your focus as fall begins.

September:  ​Take some personal time off.  Daily life is nonstop; drive defensively. New energy infuses career and status with much activity. Love and fun is on your mind as fall begins, but needs to stay in budget.


August:  ​Spending may continue but a renewed financial plan will help.  You are popular with superiors and enjoy success. Review needs and goals.  Focus falls on daily life, visits and chats; reconnect.  Visualize.

September:  ​You are in demand socially; enjoy yourself!  Take charge of finances; get organized.  New travel or learning opportunities are likely. As fall begins your home life takes center stage; family commitments; healing.


August:  ​Attend to resurfacing health concerns.  Reconnect in relationships and start new.  Travel for pleasure is accented.  Spotlight on financial picture and values.  Home and family life brings the unexpected.

September:  ​New plans to organize resources; help is available.  You are supported by superiors; new opportunities offered.  Your energy is back; strength returned.  Conversations and short trips illuminate; reveal much.


August:  ​New direction in workplace may reappear.  Review health needs on all levels.  Gain in resources may come easily; make adjustments. You are in the spotlight later; recreate, reinvent yourself.

September:  ​Relationships get new starts; easily transform.  Travel with someone special or enjoy on your own.  You are busy behind the scenes. Income and finances are highlighted as fall begins; go with your values.


August:  ​Social activities keep your calendar full.  New paths in romance and recreation begin; resolve issues. Partners are pleasing. Review career goals.  Later take private time to recharge and relax!

September:  ​Continue this month with a new wellness plan and fresh direction in the workplace!  Resources are enhanced.  Working for future dreams wins over social invites.  YOU shine in the Full Moon spotlight!


August:  ​Career issues give way to new home and family focus; resolve and reorganize!  Workplace is happy; health good. Charitable social projects and time with friends are center stage later.  Postpone travel plans.

September: ​Romance and creativity is infused with new energy and many opportunities!  Partnerships are congenial and fortunate!  Focus on career direction.  Spotlight later is on inner world; introspection for future plans.


August:  ​Reconnecting to others is the new theme.  Repair car and travel cautiously.  Romance and fun are rewarding.  Finances need a review.  Later your career or status is the main focus for goals & security.

September:  ​Home and family get onto a new rhythm.  Energy pours into learning and travel.  Workplace offers growth.  Health is enhanced. Social invites are many; watch budget.  Educate yourself to further future plans.


August:  ​Finances and resources continue to be reviewed and reworked with new strategies; get partner on board.  Home and family are happy.  Travel back somewhere quiet to “getaway” from it all; daydream!

September:  ​Busy days and short trips keep you on the go.  Romance is highlighted; children enjoyable.  Luck comes in many areas now!  Career and status takes center stage. Partners can be challenging; must adjust.

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