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Action and energy planet Mars holds steady in slow-moving Taurus until August 20th. We are practical and determined in all undertakings and able to accomplish much with this influence. Mercury visits practical Virgo from the 4th until the 25th bringing logical thinking to plans and projects. These two planets work together to bring about many creative changes with lasting results. This will be the best time to check items off of the to-do list!
Love planet Venus leaves sensitive Cancer and visits romantic, dramatic Leo on the 11th. We want to look our best, enjoy social events and do things in a big way the rest of the month. Creative energy is also high. The Full Red Moon in Aquarius is also on the 11th with emotions running high but disciplined. Issues that come to light now can be solved with unusual methods and have lasting outcomes personally or on a humanitarian level.
On the 20th Mars visits active, changeable, restless Gemini and will stay there until March of 2023! This is great for multitasking but can send our minds off in too many directions at times resulting in a scattering of our energy. We are easily excited and need a bit of adventure. Enjoy the fun until Mars retrogrades from October to January 2023; more on that later. Two days later on the 22nd, the Sun lights up logical, studious Virgo and we focus on the details as our last month of summer slowly winds down.
Thinking planet Mercury moves into creative, diplomatic, Libra on the 25th. We want balance and fairness but can be indecisive. Art and refinement are enjoyed; others are friendly and courteous. The next lunar cycle begins on the 27th with a New Moon in Virgo. Practicality wins as we analyze and discern options, and use original creativity to bring lasting transformations.
LEO: Your own personal new year has begun; position or career accented. The full moon highlights relationships; brings clarity. You are popular and social. A new cycle begins with income options and balanced work plans.
VIRGO: Social time gives way to a full moon focused on health and work issues that surface. New beliefs help you change patterns. Late month the new lunar cycle signals fresh starts with creative changes; transformations.
LIBRA: You are popular with superiors and have a full social calendar. The full moon brings a serious vibe to romance and recreation. New ideas come in meditation for creative changes in home life and financial matters.
SCORPIO: You are favored and shine in career; position. The full moon brings home and family obligations to the surface. Relationships change suddenly. Then a new focus on friends, social activities, and future plans.
SAGITTARIUS: Health and work bring sudden developments. The full moon brings travel and serious conversations. Your career has many options and new beginnings in work and income this next lunar cycle.
CAPRICORN: Most of the month revolves around financial planning with the full moon focusing on income. Be careful with speculation. Romance can be unpredictable. The new lunar cycle will open travel and education.
AQUARIUS: Relationships are enjoyable. The full moon in your sign focuses on health; brings concerns to the surface. Sudden disruptions in home life are possible. A new start in finances comes at month’s end.
PISCES: Health seems to improve as the full moon can bring out hidden challenges; reveal obstructions. Defensive driving is needed; conversations explosive. Professional and personal relationships go in new directions.
ARIES: Home life is enjoyable; creative ideas flow. Energy is focused on earning. The full moon lights up social life but may bring obligations. After the 20th you are restless, and a new path opens for work and wellness.
TAURUS: Your energy is high and directed. The full moon highlights your career and position. Siblings, conversations, and family time is enjoyed. A new cycle begins with romance, children, and creative ideas that work well.
GEMINI: You are restless and on the go. Travel and education are the full moon focus, but with obligations. After the 20th you become energized and motivated. Then, new energy fills your home life and family time later on.
CANCER: You are popular, social, and communicative. The focus will be onfinancial obligations and earnings. Later on, you are busy with private matters. As the month ends, conversations and visits highlight relationships.