Sirius Systems Astrological Services
Office: 727-347-4737

“Get Sirius about your future!”
Summer is still in full swing with everyone enjoying vacations and getting ready for school again. The New Moon in sunny Leo on the 8th begins the lunar cycle this month with a fun vibration and creative expression! We are chatty and friendly and vacillate between responsibilities and downtime. When thinking planet Mercury visits practical Virgo on the 11th, logic takes over and decisions will be from factual findings instead of emotional desire.
Love planet Venus goes home to relationship sign Libra on the 16th when partners and friendships become more important than duties and we won’t mind spending a little to enjoy making memories with those we love. On the 22nd, the Sun moves on to industrious Virgo keeping us grounded and focused. We will analyze information before making decisions, stay on our routine and find contentment in the necessary daily patterns of our life.
A Full Red Moon in the progressive sign Aquarius on the 22nd will peak the lunar cycle on the same day that the Sun changes signs! This full moon aspects Jupiter, the planet of philosophy and higher learning. This is a great time to expand our knowledge of what comes to light and work on ways to improve humanitarian organizations and connections to foreign countries. Communication planet Mercury leaves logic behind and gets friendly in Libra beginning the 30th. We judge things in complete fairness and need time to make important decisions. Our minds are creative and enjoy pleasant conversations with others and about their interests.
LEO: Your personal new year begins now with a fresh perspective and open mind. Energy goes into earning; income enhanced. Mid-month enjoy short trips, conversations. Later, relationships take the spotlight; enjoy!
VIRGO: Your energy is high, and you get your way now. New plans are begun discretely. Mid-month income increases. Work will be in the spotlight later, with travel or education options. Health improves, too.
LIBRA: Energy goes into private interests; privacy is enjoyed. New paths open for socializing; networking. Mid-month you gain favor and enjoy popularity. Romance and recreation are highlighted as the month closes.
SCORPIO: Social activities keep you busy. New beginnings in career area have choices. Mid-month you enjoy time alone to recharge. Homelife and family are in the spotlight later with expansion and growth opportunities.
SAGITTARIUS: You have favor in career areas and assert yourself in gaining position. Travel or learning can bring new opportunities. Mid-month socialize. Later, conversations and short trips may bring many benefits.
CAPRICORN: You are ready to travel and enjoy an adventure now! A new plan with finances and resources is helpful. Mid-month career or position is enhanced. Then, the focus falls on earning and the many options you have.
AQUARIUS: Financial matters have your attention as August begins. New beginnings for relationships both business and personal take off. Later, you take the spotlight as opportunities arise for growth, expansion, and freedom.
PISCES: Relationships are energized and enjoyable. New options open in the workplace and a new wellness plan is in order. Introspection reveals long-standing obstacles to growth and wellness; let go and move forward.
ARIES: New paths open for romance and creative outlets. Spending is likely. Energy is focused on work, improving health, and habits. Later, the spotlight falls on social activities, friendships, and your future goals.
TAURUS: Home and family life are active with new options; let go of old patterns. Active hobbies are enjoyed. Health improves and work goes well. Career and status are in the spotlight with opportunities for growth possible.
GEMINI: Daily life is busy with new options; short trips and conversations. Projects at home get your attention; redecorate, enjoy family. Mid-month the fun begins. Your spotlight is on travel and expanding your understanding!
CANCER: New financial plans or ways to earn open. You’re on task daily and taking charge. Enjoy homelife and family after mid-month. The focus will fall on resources and money matters. Old patterns easily fall away now.