2018 Astrology Forecast by Sarah Lyons

It’s a New Year, with new celestial energy and the promise it brings to us all!  Growth and development on a personal and global level has begun and will continue especially in areas of finance, and places of structure in our lives.  A new sense of unity and awareness to humanitarian concerns is activated.  And we will continue to become more aware of what has long been hidden, or has been neglected to be addressed.  May it all bring us closer to the world we want to create for ourselves and the planet.           

CAPRICORN:  Your new year starts on a social note and good times are on your schedule!  The biggest news of all is Saturn the taskmaster paying you a visit for the next couple of years.  Don’t worry; rewards may come but only with hard work.  Whatever you need to attend to in all areas of your life will surface now to be corrected. Be careful of extremes as you work along.  Friends can open many doors for you this year; and groups, either personal or professional can bring benefit. Financial areas will have many ups and downs with both income and resources from others. As your values change you release the old and embrace the new.  Logical thinking can seem confusing now but check the facts before you rely only on your intuition.  An unusual hobby may interest you and breakthroughs in romance may occur.   

AQUARIUS: Career opportunities increase or position may have growth potential; with income enhanced.  Be careful not to spend faster than you make it.  Health concerns can surface suddenly, especially in any area that has been ignored.  Clarity comes through meditation; introspection. A time to finish things undone instead of starting new will be to your advantage as a cycle of the last several years comes to a close.  The very foundations of your life are radically changing.  You break away or free yourself from the past.  Relationships with family or parents may change as well as your home or living situation.  Partnerships will experience shifts with karmic influences as you become aware of yourself and actions in these situations.

PISCES:  Your mind opens up to exciting new information that was never apparent before.  Mental attitudes change as you look at life and begin to communicate in a new way.  Everyday life is a hectic pace with little rest and predictability.  Travel is likely for learning or teaching others. And your perspective on life can be expanded tremendously this year.  Health will be a major area of focus as you learn about wellness options.  Many things may be revealed which make changes easier on many levels.  Workplace will have its share of surprises and need necessary adjustments. Friends or groups, whether personal or professional, may require your support. If you aren’t attaining your hopes for the future, now is the time to clear the path so that you can begin a new cycle later.  You don’t have to know it all now.

ARIES:  Long awaited recognition can be yours and career demands or a change in status may come with it!  Your karma is to receive or reap what you have sown.  Any rewards have been earned and  may continue to ask for your hard work and dedication.  The areas of most change for you this year is with children, love relationships and friendships.  Future plans may be highlighted as well.  Venus gives you popularity in March; but setbacks or obligations may come along with it.  When Mercury retrogrades in your sign late March and April it will be a great time to get back to “you” and review and release that which no longer is needed in your life.  Financial growth and increased resources are likely; but choose investments wisely. New values can cause you to modify existing money and income avenues. The year ends with opportunities for travel, education and understanding.

TAURUS:  This is a fortunate year for marriage and business partnerships!  Others can expand your world in many ways; but be careful of inflated egos and empty promises, too.  Many changes come to home, family and career areas this whole year; especially in summer.  Eclipses affect your sign this year and health, whether physical, mental or emotional should be your top priority as issues arise. Venus brings you favor in April; enhances finances in May.  Travel this year comes with obligations or for work instead of fun.  You take a serious look at your beliefs and philosophie,s which should be a guideline not a rule.  In the fall you make peace in relationships and reconnect to associates.  Reviews in the workplace and in health matters can resolve concerns.  The year ends with a review in resources and new start in letting go of old patterns that no longer serve you at this time in life.

GEMINI:  Your everyday life will bring much activity.  Interaction with siblings is highlighted all year as many changes come into their lives.  You may find yourself interested in education and learning new things.  And a restlessness leads to travel both near and far.  This year health conditions can improve unless you overdo, then excess will increase problems.  A better work environment is likely which is tied to a career move or position change.  Late April and most of May you can get what you want within reason and make good impressions.  Financial problems come to light and it is time for accountability in money matters and with resources.  Pay what you owe and what is owed to you will come.  This is not the year to take chances with your earnings. A new awareness may come as you take time for introspection and meditation. Dreams may open your mind or bring awareness like never before.  Hidden things are revealed on many levels.  

CANCER:  A strong focus on values can cause you to make sudden changes in your life this year.  Financial responsibilities and resources from others may also endure upsets and revisions.  Endings can occur in many areas as the old is let go of.  Your marriage or business partner, associates may have added responsibilities and need your ongoing support. May and June can bring favorable energy to you but compromises are needed for success.  A new cycle of personal growth, creativity and self-expression begins which will enhance your relationships with others on many levels.  This is a lucky time for you and speculation may pay off if you don’t get carried away!  Travel is enjoyable; children get opportunities and love can bloom as you are ready to open your heart.  You may get interested in humanitarian activities with groups and organizations; and new friends from all walks of life are likely to be made.         

LEO:  Relationships in marriage or business will undergo the most changes this year; with an emphasis on balance.  Self awareness is also accented as you see where your place is in the union.  Breakups can happen and alliances formed with this new insight.  Last two weeks of June continuing into July bring the assistance of  others, as your vibrancy shines into their hearts.  Home value can increase and so can the family circle!  Relatives seem to be getting along and a good vibe in general is present.  Assets and resources can increase this year but don’t take unnecessary risks.  Work or service to others may bring more responsibilities; and a career move or change in status is likely.  Your health can suffer if you take too much on.  Take more time for yourself and tend to any issues that arise promptly.

VIRGO:  Health will be a major theme for 2018.  You will feel a need to break away from old patterns on all levels.  While physical, mental and emotional wellness is the goal; this will bring spiritual peace as well.  The workplace undergoes many changes; most of which are unexpected.  Learning new things and expanding your understanding of many subjects will be of great advantage.  Travel can expand your world whether short or long distance with the latter coming as a surprise instead of planned.  Also,  you begin to explore beliefs, philosophy or religious leanings on a new level.   Serious developments can occur in the areas of romance if you are dating.  Children will gain responsibilities.  A hobby can become more meaningful.  Most of July and early August pamper yourself and let others do so as well.

LIBRA:  Love and romance is karmic and can have some unexpected twists and turns this year!  Roll with the changes and excitement!  An increase in income is likely and may come from creative endeavors and new talents found! But resources and joint finances can be unpredictable.  Popularity and social invitations have you busy in August and November.  Family responsibilities and obligations will arise and need your attention as relatives may have setbacks.  Home repairs may be needed.  You are in a minimalist mode with the desire to clear your surroundings and let go of possessions.  Old patterns and themes in many areas of your life will begin to break away as an old order in your life is passing away and a new one coming to be. You will need to nurture yourself to stay healthy; rest more.

SCORPIO:  This is a year of growth and expansion with many opportunities coming your way!  Anything or anyone that leaves your life is making way for your new path.  Significant changes in home and family life will occur as well as career and position.  A karmic influence is at work, guiding you in a new direction.  Everyday life can be intense.  Siblings may need your support as responsibilities can be overwhelming for them.  Marriage and business partnerships will undergo much upheaval as you or your partner break away from relationships that have restricted freedom.  Romance will be idealistic now; and you love unconditionally.   Your creative style is easily expressed with new hobbies and recreational activities.  Health improves.

SAGITTARIUS:  You have had many karmic situations, hardships, loss and a few setbacks over the last couple of years as Saturn visited your sign.  Any reward was worked for and others may have left your life.  That phase is over now and you spend time opening to spiritual experiences, growth.  A new cycle of stability with income and finances begins as you make plans and set goals to work toward achieving and to balance the extreme shifts which have occured.   Education and understanding become important as well as opportunities for travel both near and far.  Shifts occur with sibling relationships.  Family members may be unavailable or seem distant, but need assistance as well.  Your home has become your sanctuary as you continue to create an environment of tranquility and peacefulness.

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