Astrology Forecast 2020 by Sarah Lyons

Happy New Year and New Decade!  2020 begins with powerful eclipses and three planets in Capricorn!  We should see a lot happening on a global level in politics and government!  Businesses, the economy, and structures in everyday life are all affected as growth, practicality and transformation take place!  An interesting beginning to the next ten years and a great time to put our plans and goals into action! Intuition is strong as well and we are ready to open our minds to new values and ideas with resources!  Learning about beliefs and educating ourselves is constant all year long.

CAPRICORN:  Lucky Jupiter is visiting your sign all year long!  Growth, abundance, and opportunities; prosperity and travel are all in your stars!  Saturn continues to give the discipline to accomplish your goals and Pluto empowers and transforms as the year unfolds!  Personal and professional relationships undergo major changes as eclipses light your way onward! Health issues on all levels are revealed and improved.  A new optimistic attitude and increased confidence will take you far in all areas of life but watch for an inflated ego and extravagant taste. Children are unpredictable rebellious and need independence. Romance is exciting bringing many new experiences.  Unique taste defines your creative ideas as you are intuitive and imaginative now. You can make your dreams come true.

AQUARIUS:  You have a guardian angel on your shoulder this year and can give great protection.  It is time to clear out your life and get real about your goals and work toward accomplishing them!  Powerful planetary influence brings healing in health areas that will surface to be addressed. Income and finances will suffer from risky behavior, and cash can flow through your fingers if you aren’t careful.  Home and family area bring the unexpected, whether it’s an unforeseen repair or ups and downs with family members, it’s never a dull moment! Beginning in summer a focus on friends or groups and social life is where the action is!  Hobbies get your interest too as creative ideas stimulate your mind. Enjoy and play when you can.

PISCES: In the last few years you have had a sort of identity crisis as new facets of your personality come out.  The same pattern continues this year as others may not see you clearly or understand you, and you do not see yourself clearly either!  Imagination and intuition are strong as well as a keen, alert mind that loves new ideas! You can be rebellious in speaking but have an open mind.  Friends or groups you join can be beneficial all year, presenting opportunities and advancement! However, you may be required to do your part and work a bit too!  Many changes in home life and family can occur with the eclipse energy in the summer and continue all year. Career also may require your energy as changes take place now.

ARIES:  Your year begins with action on the home front and with family members!  Needed changes must take place and cannot be delayed. New opportunities open doors in the career area this year, but you will still work hard and set goals to achieve.  Power struggles may occur with superiors as you become empowered and take a higher position. Time alone to recharge is important. Enjoy your hobbies and be creative again.  Summer brings a desire to travel and expand your understanding on many levels. Foreign places are attractive as you want to explore other cultures and philosophies. Finances and earning power continue to be unpredictable.   You may receive windfalls or overspend so plan accordingly. Or you may find unique ways to increase your income as you value being in charge of your own finances now. Springtime finds friends needing your support.

TAURUS:  This year you continue doing things your own way, becoming more independent and original in acting and thinking, and even surprise yourself with the unique new ideas you have!  You are learning to embrace change and break out of old patterns. The last several years have put a highlight on learning and education and now even more opportunities will be presented to you to learn and grow on many levels to attain your goals.  You will begin to reap the rewards of your hard work by springtime. Travel is likely and enjoyed. Summer turns your attention to financial matters and earning power as new values change priorities. You are compassionate with friends but must set boundaries.  Help others help themselves instead of doing for them. Let go where needed and dream big for the future.

GEMINI:  You can be very successful with money this year and resources easily are available if you need assistance!  Partners may earn more as well. You are still working hard to earn but will see results now in your long-term financial goals to strong and secure.  Career direction still seems unclear or you may find yourself in a position of supporting superiors. Don’t be afraid to ask for assistance from those in charge as well. A humanitarian outlook may also influence your choice of livelihood.  Your private life stays active as you delve into the subconscious world and its workings in your direction. You may be ready to let go of limiting thoughts and actions. The summer shifts the action into relationships both marriage and business as awareness brings about necessary changes and ongoing adjustments.

CANCER:  Your new year begins with a focus on relationships and legal affairs.  It is time to come to terms and settle disputes while resolving power struggles.  Beneficial contacts both personal and professional can result but watch out for those who try to “sell” you.  Eclipses in your sign put emphasis on your health and approach to life. You may need to make some changes and learn new ways to approach wellness.  Physical and mental patterns can be modified for better results. Spring begins a need to look into finances and fix issues. You may take on responsibilities for other people’s resources now.  You have been attracting unusual friendships and may choose a humanitarian group or interest. Spiritual learning continues as you try to understand other’s viewpoints but watch out for empty beliefs.

LEO:  This year you can finally make advances in the workplace as you become empowered to take charge of opportunities and accomplish goals and objectives!  Sudden changes in career, position or status may occur, taking you in unexpected directions. Breakthroughs in long-standing health conditions are possible for healing to finally take place on both physical and mental levels.  Resources remain unstable, but you mysteriously receive the support you need. Endings continue as old outlived patterns fade away asking you to trust the process of the unknown. Psychic abilities and intuition are strong. Eclipses keep romance exciting and in the spotlight all year!  Partnerships both business and personal take on a serious tone. Social activities, hobbies, and recreation are highlighted and enjoyed.

VIRGO:  Love and romance are accented as the year begins!  Children are enjoyable and creativity can expand your world this year!  Responsibilities continue in these areas though and structures need to be transformed. A desire to do things in a big way can take you over your abilities.  The job you do may bring more responsibilities as spring begins. Then, summer starts a new pattern in your career and home life as a balance is needed going forward.  Partners both personal and professional may seem or be unavailable or feel misunderstood. They may need assistance or even be the one that has to make sacrifices. Avoid lawsuits this year as the unexpected can arise.  You are feeling adventurous and would enjoy a long trip if finances allow. Your belief system will continue to change and awaken.

LIBRA:  This year brings growth and opportunities into the family and home!  You may move to a larger residence or gain living space. Good fortune falls on family members and relationships are mended; healed.  The last few years of hardships and loss are lightened but responsibilities continue. You may become a powerful influence with or on relatives!  Sudden changes continue as old patterns are shattered in many areas of life and deep awakenings occur. Finances and resources are unstable but sudden windfalls may also occur!  Career and position are highlighted as well as your status in general. Illness isn’t easy to diagnose, and you are very sensitive to medications or chemical products. Rest and meditation are required.  Learning and travel are prominent. Love life is exciting as the year begins with strong relationships becoming stable and solid thereafter.

SCORPIO: Success and empowerment come through educational matters, writing and communicating this year!  You will have the discipline needed to accomplish your goals in this area which will lead to empowerment later on!  Relationships with relatives, especially siblings can improve as boundaries have been needed in the last few years. Conversations are meaningful and deep.  Family responsibilities or obligations may increase in the spring. Love relationships can seem ideal and romantic but not having a clear direction yet. Children feel misunderstood but creative talents are a great outlet.  Much unpredictability with partners both marriage and business are still the pattern, but spring and summer give some stability. Midsummer on your finances will be highlighted. Speculation is not a good idea now.

SAGITTARIUS:  A new and unexpected opportunity in the workplace or a job offer can bring an increase in income!  Jupiter increases your earnings this year and with Saturn’s discipline, you may just save some of it!  As the year unfolds you can be empowered financially; just be sure not to go to extremes and risk too much.  Eclipses continue to bring endings where needed, and necessary changes to resources. Relationships are accented both personal and professional, as you choose those of higher standards and similar values.  Health will benefit from alternative methods. Family members may be unavailable or unable to understand you. You may feel disconnected and need time by yourself to find a new path. Feeling at home or grounded will come when you realize that inner peace of mind is the real answer to your problem.  Then home will be a sanctuary for healing.

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