Astrology Forecast February 2023

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The Full Snow Moon in dramatic Leo on the 5th stirs our emotions but with the aspect of Saturn, we feel held back in expressing them. Responsibilities may feel overwhelming now and we are feeling insecure as well.  Working toward the goals and taking it one day at a time should help us along.

Mercury moved forward on Jan. 18th, but it won’t be up to speed until Feb. 7th. This has been a most difficult Retro phase as you have seen in transportation, communication, etc. But, much has been REvealed as well and a great need for REvision is more apparent now than ever.  On a personal note, you will finally feel like things are clearing up. Energy planet Mars moved forward on Jan. 12th but its shadow lasts much longer. It is getting better every day and on March 17th it will finally be up to full speed. 

The thinking planet Mercury is in practical Capricorn giving us good common sense.  On the 10th when it meets up with Pluto hidden things easily come to light. Our minds are investigative and want answers.  The next day Mercury visits Aquarius from the 11th on into March.  We are inventive and intuitive. Watch out for stubborn mindsets and enjoy your conversations with others. The use of technology is highlighted now. 

The Sun visits progressive, independent Aquarius accenting individuality and humanitarianism most of the month.  Then, on the 18th it will shine in the sign of Pisces stimulating compassion and tolerance.  This energy is spiritual and creative. Boundaries are blurred and escapism is preferred. 

The New Moon in Pisces occurs on the 20th to begin the lunar cycle this month.  Creativity, music, meditation, and intuition are all strong now. New interest in these areas may begin. Volunteering and helping others are also accented. This cycle can bring lasting and innovative transformations. Less than one hour later also on the 20th, love and money planet, Venus visits dynamic Aries and we become outgoing, enthusiastic, and impulsive in those areas.  Over-the-top behavior and indulgence are likely now.

AQUARIUS: Your new year has begun and the spotlight is on relationships.  You are pulled in many directions. Enjoy fun times and work with children. Finances are enhanced and a new direction follows. New values included.    

PISCES:  The workplace, duties, and health issues are in the spotlight. Social time is traded for privacy. The homefront gets your energy; money is made and spent. You are favored this month and new directions are open.      

ARIES:  You are busy at work but the full moon accents fun and romance. Social activities are many both personal and professional. New possibilities come your way and a new theme in private and personal affairs begins.  

TAURUS:  The full moon brings home and family matters to light. Your career gets busy the next week. Enjoy social life and friends until the last week when a new phase can begin with future plans and goal setting.        

GEMINI:  Short trips, conversations, and siblings are all the full moon’s focus. You are energized and ready to move forward. Social contacts provide opportunities. The new lunar cycle accents career and position.  

CANCER:  The full moon focuses on finances and earnings with options for big changes.  Career opportunities open up and you are busy behind the scenes. A new cycle stimulates understanding. Travel is enjoyable now.     

LEO:  The spotlight is on you, Leo; especially in your relationships that benefit from good communication. Travel is highlighted and favorable. Resources enhanced.  A new cycle begins with finances; modifications.     

VIRGO:  Unknown information comes to light. Private time and self-care are favored.  Energy goes into career; work.  Finance and resource areas begin to grow.  Partnerships are enjoyable and go in new directions later.      

LIBRA:  The spotlight is on social activities, friends, and future planning.  Home life is busy; recreation and children are stimulating.  Health and work are enhanced with new paths opening and new clarity beginning last week.  

SCORPIO: Your career or position is on center stage; as you balance it with family and home demands.  Resources and savings are spent; watch speculation. Children; pleasurable activities are enjoyed and begin anew.       

SAGITTARIUS: Long-distance travel, higher-level learning, and beliefs are in the spotlight.  Energy goes into relationships.  Conversations are lively.  Home and family time are enjoyed with new beginnings late this month.  

CAPRICORN:  Resources and financial matters take the spotlight. Your energy is focused on duties and work. Homelife is pleasant; family enjoyed. Conversations, short trips, and daily life is filled with new beginnings later.

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