Astrology – December 2016

 Earlier this week a New Moon in enthusiastic Sagittarius got us off to a fast start!  Now on the 2nd communication and thinking planet Mercury enters ambitious but practical Capricorn; giving structure and good planning ability to all of that energy! 

On the 7th love planet Venus visits the humanitarian sign of Aquarius bringing the holiday spirit to a truly altruistic level.  This influence also aids tolerance and individualism.  Spending can be erratic and unpredictable as we are attracted to the unique and unusual. Give your loved ones plenty of freedom and do something out of the ordinary together!

Our lunar cycle peaks on the 13th with a Full Cold Moon in Gemini.  Matters rising to the surface bring with them inventive solutions from Uranus and all of the energy needed to take care of the situation from Mars with ease!

On the 19th action planet Mars visits sensitive, spiritual Pisces.  A blending with Neptune’s energy gives support and sympathy to those in need and a desire to aid the underprivileged.  Giving selflessly and supporting charities should come easily to us now on a personal and global level. 

Also, on the 19th, Mercury will station REtrograde.  A perfect time to RE!  RE-lease items you don’t want for others that need them!  Have a family RE-union! Take time off to RE-lax! RE-juvinate yourself and your RE-lationships!  On the 21st the Winter Solstice occurs as the Sun enters Capricorn, starting a new season and signaling time for many types of celebrations! 

Then on the 29th a New Moon in Capricorn begins the lunar cycle with creative and transformational influences to send us into the New Year! 

SAGITTARIUS:  Partners take the spotlight; converse and enjoy fun times!  Short trips and conversations are enjoyable.  Indulge family ideals this year. A revised conservative financial plan gets underway as values are modified. 

CAPRICORN:  Focus falls on work while making and spending cash! Health matters may surface; take time off, relax.  You are ready to take charge as the year closes while revising your plans, direction and ambitions.

AQUARIUS:  Spotlight falls on fun, love and children as you engage in holiday festivities.  You are easy to be with and charitable.  Transformation occurs with awareness of hidden strength and weaknesses; reflect, resolve.

PISCES:  New career attention gives way as home and family take center stage.  You are energized mid month and take charge!  Steal some quite time away to relax.  A change in friends, goals and future plans is empowering!

ARIES:  You have been on the go constantly and daily.  Social time with friends and work are keeping you busy, too.  Conversations can solve much.  A new empowering direction in career or status begins with the New Year.

TAURUS:  Financial matters will be your focus as career direction may be the answer.  You are favored at work with superiors.  Education can be life changing as you follow your dreams and satisfy security needs; ambitions.

GEMINI:  You are in the full moon spotlight with accent on relationships.  Travel is pleasant and adds adventure.  Finances get a new makeover as you look ahead, leaving old patterns behind.  Career options may be the answer. 

CANCER:  Hidden issues come to light as you consider necessary changes.  Finances are enhanced; travel, stimulating.  Transformation, new direction with personal and business partners is likely as the New Year begins.

LEO:  Partners are agreeable as you work together toward future goals.  Friends and holiday festivities fill your calendar.  Energy goes into finances.  New transformation with health and work bring success and needed support.

VIRGO:  Home and family activity has shifted to career and work demands, where you are favored now.  Partner’s needs and desires are met. New Year brings new changes in areas of love, romance children and hobbies.  Enjoy! 

LIBRA:  Travel is likely; with fun and romance in the mix!  Health and work matters take your energy starting mid month.  Home life and family situations can transform and get off to a new start during the holidays! 

SCORPIO:  Financial matters take the spotlight; options at work and family cooperation assist plans.  Home life is pleasant.  Focus is on fun after mid month.  Old issues are resolved resulting in new beginnings; talk it over!  

by Sarah Lyons – Sirius Systems Astrological Services  “Get Sirius about Your Future”

Happy New Year to all!

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