Greg “Geese” Giesen

An Introduction to The Academy of Senior Professionals at Eckerd College

For the intellectually curious, the ideal retirement hangout is the Academy of Senior Professionals at Eckerd College (ASPEC). Now in its 41st year with over 230 members, ASPEC is recruiting retired business executives, accomplished professionals, teachers, professors, physicians, attorneys, and community leaders to sample our programs, activities, and social events for 30 days for $50. 

The focus of the academy is lifelong intergenerational learning, with service to the college, service to the community, along with plenty of social engagement mixed in. We have member-led presentations five days a week on campus (or via Zoom), including medicine on Mondays, current events on Tuesdays, economics on Wednesdays, science on Thursdays and foreign affairs on Fridays. Some of our members even help faculty and interact with students in the classroom. And did I mention the social activities and events! We have dinners out together, wine tasting, boat trips, and museum tours, just to name a few. 

Want to learn more about ASPEC? Go to or call us at 727-864-8834. Come try us out for 30-days and see what our welcoming community has to offer. Isn’t it time you did something for yourself?

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