ARTS & CULTURE – March 2018


MUSE 2018 has come and gone, but what a pARTy it was!  

St. Petersburg’s 5th annual fundraising benefit for arts recognized the breadth and beauty of art and culture in our City of the Arts, and paid tribute to those that continue to inspire and guide St. Petersburg to its standing as an international arts destination.  SPAA raised over $25,000 in proceeds benefiting artists, arts businesses, and arts & cultural organizations through our Arts Alliance programs and services.


  • Charlie Parker, Visual Arts Award with Nancy Parker
  • Mark Sforzini, Performance Arts Award with St. Pete Opera Board Members
  • Paul Wilborn & Eugenie Bondurant, Arts Ambassador Award
  • Sylvia Rusche, Patron of the Arts Award with Jim Donatelli
  • Shelia Crowley, Literary Arts Award with John Collins

MUSE awards by Duncan McClellan

SPAA also wants to thank Tom Kramer, Xina Scuderi and Kyle Fleming for capturing the excitement with a spectacular photo journey of the MUSE 2018 pARTy!

ST. PETERSBURG  SHAKESPEARE FESTIVAL Present 2nd production in 4th annual season:  St. Petersburg Shakespeare Festival’s production of Romeo and Juliet will be performed at Williams Park in downtown St. Petersburg at 8:00pm, Thursday through Sunday, March 15 – March 25, 2018.

Romeo and Juliet is directed by Stephen Ray. The cast includes McKenzie Pollock as Juliet, Greg Wiederecht as Romeo, Matthew Frankel as Friar Lawrence, Greg Thompson as Capulet, Julia Barton as Tybalt, and Chad Jacobs as Paris.

Conceived by USF St. Petersburg Alumna Veronica Matthews, St. Petersburg Shakespeare Festival has made substantial changes this year and is excited to present their second play in Williams Park. The festival will announce the 2018/2019 season soon.

Admission is  “Pay What You Can” with a suggested donation of $10.00. Audience members are encouraged to bring a blanket and or beach/camping chairs.

More information, visit St. Petersburg Shakespeare Festival’s website:


Wednesday, March 21, 6pm-9pm, Duncan McClellan Gallery;

MUSIC: Lounge Cat Quartet
ENTERTAINMENT: Hot Shop Demonstration
CATERING: Island Flavors and ‘Tings
COFFEE: Black Crow Coffee
BEER: Green Bench Brewing and 3 Daughters Brewing


Trip to NYC to see The Lion King (with backstage tour & prime seating)

– Hamboards Huntington Hop Longboard
– Kala ukulele
– Tampa Bucs football autographed by Kwon Alexander
– Amazing theater & dinner packages

PRIZES: Door prize is $100 worth of scratch-off tickets! Every attendee will leave event with an original piece of Creative Clay artwork!

More information call 727.825.0515 visit


Spring Camp

Join us for a week-long Spring Break Art Camp!  Children ages 5-10 will be creating a mixed media art garden filled with flowers, unicorns, & creepy crawlies that lurk in the soil.

Monday-Friday, March 26-30. 9am-3pm, Extended Care is available for an additional fee. (Before Care begins at 8am, After Care runs until 5:30pm.)

Camp Cost: Member $165 / Non-Member $185

Cost includes all materials. Must register for full week–no daily rate option. For more information, please call 727.822.7872 ext. 8 or go to

SPRINGFEST GARDEN ART & FAERIE FESTIVAL April 7-8, 2018 (10AM to 8PM Saturday, 10AM to 5PM Sunday)

The Gulfport Area Chamber will host its 24th Annual Springfest Garden Art & Faerie Festival along the green and tree-covered expanse of Gulfport’s 7.5-acre Clymer Park, on April 7-8, 2018. The Garden Art & Faerie themed festival will transform the park into an “enchanted village” inhabited by costumed faeries, sprites, gnomes, ogres and trolls.  Renaissance-era characters, gypsies, minstrels, wizards and roving entertainers in costume will also stroll through the event.

Springfest will offer a wide variety of family friendly activities and entertainment.  Favorite activities such as May pole dances, a faerie house contest, costume contests and live music will be returning.  A children’s area will offer activities including face painting, pixie dusting, bubble blowing, and more. Vendors offer plants, garden art, flowers, herbs, Renaissance-period items, clothing, jewelry, art, hand-made crafts, food & beverages, and other items of whimsical interest.

There is no admission fee for the pet and family friendly event, and complimentary parking is available with gratis trolley rides to and from off-site parking areas. For more information please follow us on Facebook/GulfportSpringfest, go to or call 727-322-5217.

SALUTE TO THE MILITARY Saturday, April 14, 10 am – 4 pm

ST.PETE BEACH: The Veterans of South Pinellas County (VSPC) will host their 8th Annual Salute to the Military fundraising event on April 14, 2018.  The Horan Park venue will feature military vehicles and exhibits, a kids fishing tournament and live music. There is no admission fee for the pet and family friendly event and complimentary parking is available nearby.

The fun begins at 10:00 am and will also include a military enlistment ceremony, a silent auction to benefit veterans support groups, food, beer and wine, vendors, and the One Blood  blood mobile.

The VSPC is a 501(c)(3) charity organization and has given more than $75,000 in cash and in-kind contributions to a variety of non-profit groups that support veterans. 

We can help lower your tax bill by becoming a supporter for this very worthy cause.  Donations from sponsors, vendors and advertisers are tax deductible and as an added bonus, you’ll be supporting local Pinellas County Veterans. General information or to become a supporter, please call 727-322-5217 or visit VSPC on Facebook at Veterans-of-South-Pinellas-County-Inc.

THE FLORIDA HOLOCAUST MUSEUM Honors the Past by Empowering the Future

The FHM’s  “To Life” gala raised over $650,000 to support the Museum’s educational programs and to build its new Collections, Preservation, and Research Center The museum’s educational and outreach programs are a vital part of its mission. Community advocates Gayle Sierens and Jane Castor shared personal stories and express their gratitude for the Museum’s dedication to developing and delivering unique strategies empowering people to make positive changes in the world.

The FHM honored four Holocaust Survivors with the Loebenberg Humaniarian Award. John Rinde, Toni Rinde, Lisl Schick, and Mary Wygodski were recognized for their outstanding contributions to the Museum. The Florida Holocaust Museum is one of only three accredited Holocaust museums in the United States and provides quality Holocaust and human rights education to adults and students. More than 1 million students have learned the concepts of upstander behavior, the rights and responsibilities of living in a democracy, and speaking out against injustice through the Museum’s educational outreach.

Keynote Speaker, Avner Avraham, who spoke about the blockbuster exhibition Operation Finale: The Capture & Trial of Adolf Eichmann, which opened on February 10th and will be on display until  July 15, 2018 at The FHM. Avraham curated the espionage artifacts featured in the exhibition. This exhibition is the first time the recently declassified Mossad materials have been seen outside of Israel. To learn more about  The FHM’s upcoming events and exhibitions, visit the Museum online at The Florida Holocaust Museum 55 5th St. S, St. Petersburg, FL 33701.


City Theatre participated in the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Service Day projects working  with Two Hangry Chicks and Meals of Hope Food packing 15,000 dehydrated meal packs at the theatre, distributed by St. Petersburg Free Clinic for needs in our community.

January ended with a Book Talk with Bill DeYoung, the author of Skyway: The True Story of Tampa Bay’s Signature Bridge and the Man Who Brought It Down. Over 100 guests from throughout the Tampa Bay Area saw our theatre for the first time. Donations received can help with future community events.

Jesus Christ Superstar, is the next Mainstage with a stellar cast. Directed by Christine White, this exceptional show runs March 16-Sunday, March 25.

Sunset Limited, produced by Travis Moore, will run April 27 – May 6.

SPCT thanks Leadership St. Pete for their consideration of our grant request. We will have the opportunity to apply to Leadership St. Pete again next year. The Fundraising Committee will be working with Matt Bissett to develop a grant to help address some of the theatre’s needs. This grant will require matching funds. Please share with those you know the activities at City Theatre so we can expand our reach in the community. We appreciate your volunteerism and financial support.

Every production needs volunteers! Interested? Contact Lisa Marone at execdir@spcitytheatre.orgVisit  to make a donation, purchase tickets and see a video on the history of City Theatre.  Board members can be reached via email:

St. Petersburg Main Library

Jeff Klinkenberg Speaks on Real Florida – Jeff Klinkenberg, well-known author about Florida’s history and culture, will speak at the St. Petersburg Main Library on Saturday, March 17 at 2 pm. Klinkenberg wrote a column about Real Florida in the Tampa Bay Times until he retired in 2014. He is the author of  Alligators in

B-Flat and his soon-to-be-published memoirs, Son of Real Florida: Stories from My Life. Friends of the Main Library programs are free and open to the public. PN

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