Aquatic Fitness Classes at St. Pete Beach Aquatic Center

Join us this summer for one of our four Aquatic fitness classes at the St. Pete Beach Aquatic Center, 7701 Boca Ciega Dr. For more information call 727-363-9264 or visit our website at

The Complete Aquatic Work-Out– This class is designed for a complete work-out using the natural resistance of the water and aided by resistance bells. The class offers stretching, toning, range of motion, balance, strength training, and aerobics, and oh yes, FUN!
Cost: $5 SPB Residents & $6 Non-Residents. Silver Sneakers is also accepted!
Day and Time: Tue, Wed, Thurs: 10:15-11am


Aqua Zumba– Aqua Zumba allows you to get a great workout but also makes it fun. Just like the regular Zumba format, Aqua Zumba uses dance and fitness moves to fun, up-beat music.
Cost: $5 SPB Residents & $6 Non-Residents. Silver Sneakers is also accepted!
Day and Time: Tue: 7pm-8pm (starting June 7th) Fri: 11am-12pm Sat: 10:15-11:15am

Aquatic Fitness Class– Aquatic Fitness offers a great muscle toning and cardio workout with the benefits and support of the water.
Cost: $5 SPB Residents & $6 Non-Residents. Silver Sneakers is also accepted!
Day and Time: Mon/ Tue/ Wed: 11:15am-12:15pm

Aquatic Yoga– Aqua yoga has all the benefits of land-based yoga such as stress reduction, better body awareness, and increased flexibility. Being in the water adds an increase in your range of motion, decompresses your spine, reduces the weight on your joints and is accessible to everyone.
Cost: $7 SPB Residents & $8 Non-Residents. Silver Sneakers is also accepted!
Day and Time: Thu: 11:15am-12pm

Information and photo courtesy of the St. Pete Beach Community Center

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