April Events in Pinellas County & Tampa Bay


Tuesdays & 4th Saturday • 9am-3pm, Gulfport Tuesday Fresh Market, Beach Blvd. below 28th Ave. S. gulfporttuesdayfreshmarket.com
Fridays • 5-9pm, First Friday Art Walk, Downtown Gulfport. A juried event featuring emerging and professional artists. First Friday of every month.
Last Friday 6-9pm, live music at the John’s Pass Bell Tower, John’s Pass Boardwalk and Shopping Village, 12902 Village Blvd., Madeira Beach
Saturdays • 9am-2pm, St. Petersburg Saturday Morning Market, First Ave. SE and First St., Al Lang Stadium parking lot near the marina. Celebrating community, food, and creativity. October through May.
1st Saturday • 8am Beach Cleanup, Archibald Park,15100 Gulf Blvd. Mad. Beach.
2nd Saturday • 8:30am, Beach Cleanup. TI Waffle House, 11185 Gulf Blvd.
5-9pm, St. Pete Artwalk. Artists and gallery owners from 40 studios and galleries in five arts districts show off their latest works. Take the trolley, drive or park and walk. stpeteartsalliance.org/artwalk
3rd Saturday • 5-9pm, Indie Faire, Beach Blvd., Gulfport. Outdoor, socially distanced event in Gulfport features local art, handmade crafts, jewelry and pottery to locally sourced botanicals.
4th Saturday Gulfport 4th Saturday Fresh Market 9am-2pm • Pinellas Arts Walk 4-8pm, Pinellas Arts Village Walk, 5600-5800 Park Blvd. (north side), Pinellas Park. Pinellas Park Art Society, Donnelly COVE, Complete Sweet Shoppe, Pompei Factory, Studios @5663, Painting with a Twist, Bottles Pub, and Swartz Gallery.
Sundays • 9am-1pm Indian Shores Sunday Morning Market, Indian Shores Municipal Center, 19305 Gulf Blvd. Local vendors offer everything from gourmet foods to fine art.  (November-April). TheBeachMarkets.com. Library Book Sale every third Sunday.
• 10am-2pm, Corey Sunday Market, Corey Ave. (74th Ave), St. Pete Beach. Almost a hundred vendors with an emphasis on local fresh, hydroponic and organic veggies, gourmet take-out treats, locally made crafts and live music. (9-1 June – Sept.)
Every other Sunday • 9am-noon, Organic Farming at Eco-Village, 302 15th St. N, St. Pete. Volunteer in a community garden that provides access to fresh organic produce, opportunities for physical activity, connection with nature.


Through Friday, April 1 – Grand Horizons
$29.70-$88, times vary by date, Asolo Repertory Theatre, 5555 N Tamiami Trail, Sarasota. What if you learn that the person you’ve been married to for 50 years is making your life miserable? After a lifetime of perfect union, Bill and Nancy retire to Florida and Nancy decides she wants out. This hit Broadway comedy takes an intimate look at the unpredictable and enduring nature of love. 800-361-8388 asolorep.org

Through Sunday, April 3 – 2022 Bay Area Renaissance Festival
$11.95-$19.95, 10am-6pm weekends, 12838 Auton Rd., Dade City. Join the inhabitants of the 16th century village of Fittleworth for exciting entertainment including musicians, magicians, jugglers, mimes, and full-contact live armored jousting. More than 100 artisans will display sell handcrafted goods. Tickets: bayarearenfest.com
Patrons with unused 2020 & 2021 festival tickets can present the tickets at the box office. Reschedule unredeemed daily event tickets prior to attending the festival: groupsales@renaissancefest.com or call 800-966-8215.
Health and safety protocols in place; masks recommended.

Through Sunday, April 3 – The Tin Woman, presented by Gulfport Community Players
$20, 8pm/2pm Saturday and Sunday, Catherine Hickman Theater, 26th & Beach Blvd, Gulfport. Joy enters a downward spiral after a heart transplant, unsure whether she truly deserves a second chance. Meanwhile, Alice and Hank mourn the loss of their son, Jack, whose heart was used to save Joy. Joy tracks down Jack’s family to find closure and the encounter has Alice, Hank, and their son Sammy asking if they are ready to accept Jack’s death. Ticket purchase online only. Masks required regardless of vaccination status. gulfportcommunityplayers.org

Through Sunday, May 22 – Picasso and the Allure of the South
$12 ages 6-12; $29 ages 18-64, The Dali Museum, One Dali Blvd., St. Petersburg. This special exhibit features 77 paintings, drawings, and collages by the renowned Spanish artist. Half have never been seen in the United States. Exhibit is organized in collaboration with the Musee National Picasso-Paris. Advanced-purchase timed tickets are required; exhibit is included in the price of Dali admission. 727-823-3767 thedali.org

Through May 30 – Registration for Patel Conservatory camps, classes
Registration is continuing for Patel Conservatory dance, music, and theater summer camps and classes. Complete list of camps and classes available at http://www.patelconservatory.org/. Some camps/classes require auditions; register at http://www.strazcenter.org/auditions or call 813-222-1040. Scholarships available: http://www.strazcenter.org/financialaid, deadline April 4.

Through July 25 –Arts Summer School Grants NEW

Applications are open through July 25 for grants for area arts summer camps for ages 8 through 15. Eligible campers, who include students who attend Title ! schools, receive a reduced or free lunch, live in designated neighborhoods, or meet other requirements, can apply directly to Creative Pinellas for a grant to attend a session of an arts-related camp program this summer. Applications at Creative Pinellas’ website: www.creativepinellas.org/gotosummercamp or email summercamps@creativepinellas.org.


Friday, April 1-Sunday, April 3 – Milos Plays Concierto de Aranjuez
$18-$55, 7:30pm/8pm, venues vary by date. Called “classical music’s guitar hero,” superstar Miloš has sold out Royal Albert Hall in London and venues around the world. The Florida Orchestra brings him to Tampa Bay stages to perform Joaquin Rodrigo’s classic Concierto de Aranjuez and more. Also, Rodion Shchedrin’s lively Carmen Suite (after Bizet). Michael Francis conducts. Friday: Straz Center, Tampa; Saturday: The Mahaffey Theater, St. Petersburg; Sunday: Ruth Eckerd Hall, Clearwater (7:30pm). 727-892-3337 thefloridaorchestra.com

Friday, April 1-Sunday, April 3 – Florida Antiquarian Book Fair  NEW
$6 a day/$10 weekend, 5-9pm Friday, 10am-5pm Saturday, 11am-4pm Sunday, The Coliseum, 535 Fourth Ave. N, St. Petersburg. The oldest and largest antiquarian book fair in the southeastern United States attracts more than 100 booksellers from all over the country who bring volumes of every description from very rare to reading copies on every conceivable subject to The Coliseum, a beautiful, historic venue in downtown St. Petersburg. Tickets at Eventbrite.com.

Wednesday, April 6-Sunday, May 8 – American Stage in The Park: Footloose  NEW
Priced by date and seat location, 8pm, Demens Landing, Bayshore Drive, and Second Avenue S, St. Petersburg. This Broadway hit tells the story of a big-city teen who finds himself out of place in a rural town where dancing has been outlawed. As he tries to carve out a place for himself, he ignites a revolution in the town as the younger generation rebels against the strict rules of the local preacher. 727-823-7529 


Friday, April 8, Call for Volunteers at Painting in the Park  NEW
The Museum of Fine Arts is recruiting volunteers for its Painting in the Park event on April 23. Volunteer opportunities include supporting children at art project stations and circulating from station to station to offer support as needed. Deadline to submit applications to volunteer is April 8. Forms received after that date may not allow enough time for complete review. Forms are online at https://www.volgistics.com/ex/portal.dll/ap?ap=1160857541

Friday, April 15, Sacred Lands concert by Doug Spears  NEW
$15, 7:30pm, Sacred Lands, 1700 Park St., St. Petersburg. Concert will be outside on the Dolphin Stage with folk troubadour Doug Spears. Seating is limited to 50 people, so reservations and prepayment are suggested. Visit the Sacred Lands website at www.sacredlandspreservation.org and click on “Donate” button or mail check to Sacred Lands, 1620 Park St. N, St. Petersburg 33710. An optional 7pm dinner available for $10; just add cost to your payment or call 727-347-0354 at time of making reservations. Following COVID protocols.
PARKING DIRECTIONS: Turn off Park Street by the JP Tavern sign at Elbow Lane.  Drive past their parking area towards the boat ramp but turn LEFT before it into big shell parking lot. Go to south end of lot to wooded gate entrance.

Friday, April 15 – Celebration of World Art Day  NEW
Free, 6-9pm, D-Gallerie, 1234 Dr. MLK Jr. St. N, St Petersburg. The art gallery will showcase artwork from 50 different artists from around the world in different mediums and styles. Observed every April 15, the event helps reinforce the links between artistic creations and society, encourage greater awareness of the diversity of artistic expressions, and highlight the contribution of artists to sustainable development.

Monday, April 18 – Fifth Annual Dingus Day Dance  NEW

$10/$12 at door, 3:30-8pm, 1343 Beach Drive, SE, St. Petersburg. Presented by the St. Petersburg Polish American Society, Dyngus Day is a post-Lenten Polish holiday marked by fun, parades, and holidays. Dance to the New Sounds band from 5-8pm. A Polish platter dinner will be served from 4-6pm at a cost of $10. A polka dance lesson will be at 6pm. For information call Ken Jakubowski at 727-666-5357 or kmjak@verizon.net. 

Thursday, April 21-Sunday, April 24 – St. Petersburg Opera presents POPera: Tavern Songs  NEW
$35, times vary by date, performed at Cage Brewing, 2001 First Ave. S, St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg Opera’s second POPera presentation of the season salutes taverns, bars and the mayhem that takes place in them. Enjoy boisterous operatic excerpts set in taverns, drinking songs and toasting songs, plots about drunkenness and sometimes, the consequences. Lots of surprises and maybe even some real-life bar hijinks! 727-823-2040 stpeteopera.org

Saturday, April 23-Sunday, April 24 – Green Thumb Festival 2022  NEW 

Free, 9am-4pm, Walter Fuller Park, 7891 26th Ave. N, St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg’s annual Arbor Day celebration, the Green Thumb Festival brings together plant and flower lovers, as well as individuals and families looking for a fun weekend activity. More than 120 garden, plant, and flower vendors and exhibitors are expected.

Saturday, April 23 – Vienna 1921  NEW
$25, 2pm, The Palladium Theater, 253 Fifth Ave. N, St Petersburg. The Florida Orchestra partly re-creates a chamber music series originally curated by Arnold Schoenberg from 1918-21921. 727-893-3337 floridaorchestra.org

Sunday, April 24 – BIPOC Play-Reading Series  NEW
Free, 2:30pm, TECO Theater, Straz Center for the Performing Arts, 1010 N MacInness, Tampa. This third of a four-part series offers the dramatic experience of hearing excerpts from plays written by talented local and national Black, Indigenous and People of Color writers. A question-and-answer period follows, during which writers can provide insight into their creative process. Reservations are required by calling 813-229-7827 or at strazcenter.org

Thursday, April 28 WE Convene: Accessibility and Equity  NEW
Free, 8-10am, Creative Pinellas, 12211 Walsingham Rd., Largo. The third of six public meetings on key topics of importance to the arts community. Organized by Creative Pinellas and Pinellas Community Foundation. 727-460-5477. Register: creativepinellas.org

Friday, April 29-Saturday, April 30 – PARC’s 48th Golf Tournament Weekend  NEW
$125 (Friday party), Countryside Country Club, 3001 Countryside Blvd, Clearwater. The weekend begins with a ‘70s themed party with food, drinks, and live music. Golf tournament is Saturday with lunch at 11am and a shotgun start at noon. This is one of PARC’s longest-running fundraisers for its services, which include residential housing, early interventions, art and music therapies and adult life enrichment programs. Party tickets: https://parcfl.wedid.it/events/747

Sunday, May 15 – BIPOC Play-Reading Series  NEW
Free, 2:30pm, TECO Theater, Straz Center for the Performing Arts, 1010 N MacInness, Tampa. This last of a four-part series offers the dramatic experience of hearing excerpts from plays written by talented local and national Black, Indigenous and People of Color writers. A question-and-answer period follows, during which writers can provide insight into their creative process. Reservations are required by calling 813-229-7827 or at strazcenter.org

Monday, June 6 – Happy Camper Art Camp begins  NEW

$200 members/$250 non-members, Monday-Friday, 9am-3pm, Morean Art Center, 719 Central Ave., and Morean Center for Clay, 420 22nd St. S, St. Petersburg. Nine-week camps in art, glass, clay, photo and more! Information and registration at moreanartcenter.org/summercamp.

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