On April 1st the New Moon in action-oriented Aries begins the lunar cycle.   We have the drive, creativity, and endurance to accomplish many goals or projects during this period.  Venus visits sensitive Pisces on the 5th and remains there all month; increasing our compassion and intuition.  We might sacrifice for love or to benefit  others and must be mindful of emotional spending.  Mercury visits practical Taurus on the 10th and helps us with cautious decision-making and patience which will assist in business matters.  On the 14th dynamic Mars moves into Pisces and again the sensitive, sympathetic theme is accented.  Including Jupiter and Neptune, we now have four planets in the charitable sign of Pisces.  However, our ability to see things on a practical level is inhibited in this dreamy sign.          

The Full Pink Moon in diplomatic Libra on the 16th aspects intense Pluto, challenging us to attend to issues that are revealed now.  This is a high-energy weekend, and we can expect a few surprises and unpredictable happenings as Mercury and Uranus get closer and exactly connect on the 18th.  This is a great time to break an unwanted habit or make any other desired change that calls for a sudden breakaway.  The Sun moves into steady, determined Taurus on the 19th.  This can assist with staying on track, being practical, and building a firm foundation to go forward with.  

Lovely Venus joins dreamy Neptune on the 27th and our rose-colored glasses are on when it comes to love or spending.  This is a wonderfully creative time if you are artistic or musical. Thinking planet Mercury goes home to Gemini on the 29th where logical reasoning is at its highest.  We are also witty, talkative, and charming; enjoying versatility and changes.      

The next lunar cycle will begin on the 30th with the New Moon in Taurus which is also a Solar Eclipse.  This eclipse falls in our financial sign and is very close to Uranus the planet of sudden and unpredictable occurrences.  I am sure we are in for quite a few surprises in the next few weeks.      

ARIES:  Your personal new year begins now with you on stage in the new moon cycle.  Make plans, goals, challenge yourself.   The full moon shines into relationships.  Eclipse brings changes to finances, income, and values.   

TAURUS: Work and health are major themes this month with modifications.   You are active and engaged from mid-month forward.  Social activities and friends are enjoyed. Eclipse in your sign brings new themes at month’s end.   

GEMINI:  New goals, social life has a price.  Love, creativity, and children are in the spotlight.  You are popular with superiors and your career may benefit now.   The eclipse shakes up private life  and your inner world.       

CANCER:  Career paths open with financial opportunities. Travel will be enjoyable.  Home and family are in the spotlight; compromise with partners.  The eclipse awakens social life and future plans with a new felt excitement.      

LEO:  Travel is in your stars all month and education or learning goes with it.   Finances are enhanced, resources increase but spending may, too. The eclipse brings changes to position or career with unexpected opportunities.     

VIRGO:  New energy in finances is connected to the workplace Partners are agreeable and easy-going.  You are restless from mid-month on and then the eclipse stimulates travel and breakthroughs in higher education. 

LIBRA:  Relationships begin or go in new directions.  The workplace is pleasant.  Health issues are a focus all month and the full moon puts you in the spotlight.  Eclipse stimulates new paths with finances and resources.  

SCORPIO:  Work has new options and wellness a new path.  Romance and recreation are enjoyable.  Inner peace is challenged by knowledge.  Eclipse brings sudden change to business and personal relationships.     

SAGITTARIUS:  New energy accents creativity and love life. Family is enjoyed; homelife pleasant.  Social life is the focus but challenges the budget.  Eclipse changes up the workplace and your wellness plan.       

CAPRICORN:  New energy fills home life and family connections.  Enjoy trips and conversations.  Your career, position challenges you to make moves.  The eclipse brings out creativity, fun, love, and time with children. 

AQUARIUS:  Conversations and daily life have new stimulation.  Income is enhanced and you give freely. Higher learning or travel is your focus. Later the eclipse brings breakthroughs in the home life and with family members.   

PISCES:  New options in earning on your own.  You are popular this month and fortunate. Mid-month you are energized; the focus falls on finances. At month-end, the eclipse stimulates new ideas, short trips, and conversations.

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