April 2021 Astrology Forecast

Sirius Systems Astrological Services
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Spring arrived when the Sun began its transit through enterprising Aries a couple of weeks ago!  On the 3rd, thinking planet Mercury enters Aries too, accenting expression and imagination, however, impatience and sudden changes in viewpoints are likely.  The New Moon in Aries begins the lunar cycle on the 11th with a powerhouse of energy promoting adventure and enthusiasm!  We are quick now but changeable, a bit temperamental, and mainly focused on our own agendas as we charge forward!  Let’s be aware of others’ needs now too and we can get a lot accomplished together!  Venus in Aries doesn’t like to wait for love and can spend money fast!  

But on the 14th our love goddess visits the earthy, sensual sign of Taurus and is much more thrifty when spending the hard-earned cash! On the 19th we get to slow down mentally and be more deliberate in our decisions as Mercury also moves into cautious Taurus.  The Sun also visits Taurus on the 19th just hours later bringing more determined and practical action as we finish the month.  Taurus also likes the finer things in life, so a little indulgence is bound to happen, but quality wins over quantity now.     

Action planet Mars enters sensitive Cancer on the 23rd pouring his energy into the home and family areas of our life.  Disagreements may arise but compassion and understanding can remedy almost any situation.  On the 26th a Full Pink Moon in Scorpio lights up the night sky!  This stimulating and intense lunation will bring to light what needs to be revealed in the most unpredictable way!  Be ready for some surprising conversations and revelations as this powerful energy is activated and released! 

ARIES:  Your new year starts now with high energy and popularity! You are expressive and ready for anything. Mid-month finances and values become important; then the full moon highlights resources; brings transformation.  

TAURUS:  Private life is busy and health needs balance with work; duties. Mid-month Venus gives favor, and your sign comes alive!  April ends with a focus on relationships.  There is a theme of freedom and a few surprises!  

GEMINI:  Your energy stays high with new interests in social life and goals!  A bit later you want privacy and reflect on choices. The workplace will take the spotlight later and health concerns that surface ask to be addressed.       

CANCER:  Career is active, superiors favor you and a new start is likely!  Later on, friends and social time become important.  You’re ready for action and find recreation, romance, and creative interests taking center stage! 

LEO:  Travel is on your mind with the desire to learn about something new. Mid-month career is favored; position enhanced!  Energy goes into goals and inward.  The full moon spotlight shines on home life and family matters.   

VIRGO:  A new start with financial plans proves to be beneficial.  Energy is put into the career.  Later, unexpected but enjoyable travel is likely!  Full moon focus falls on deep conversations with daily life intense, enlightening!  

LIBRA:  Relationships are accented, and new starts are likely!  Others are agreeable; engaged.  Your mind is restless; travel if possible. Resources are enhanced and the full moon is focused on values and income options. 

SCORPIO:  The workplace is active and pleasant.  You pay attention to health and wellbeing.  Mid-month relationships are accented; exciting!  Later, the full moon spotlight is on you; express yourself and be creative!  

SAGITTARIUS:  Recreation and romance are enjoyable and exciting with new possibilities! Energy goes into relationships.  Mid-month the workplace and wellness are your focus. The full moon illuminates your inner world.    

CAPRICORN: New beginnings in home life and family matters are pleasant and energizing!  Fun and love life become important as mid-month arrives. Friends and future goals are highlighted as the month ends; look ahead. 

AQUARIUS:  Everyday life has new energy!  Conversations are many and enjoyed.  Creative energy is strong. Mid-month family and home are where your heart is.  Full moon focus is on career or position as you find balance.   

PISCES:  Finances are enhanced, and new plans present many options!  Home projects are quickly tackled.  Your everyday life enjoys increased activity mid-month and the full moon signals travel interest near or far!   

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