April 2020 Astrology Forecast

Although the whole world seems to have slowed down with all that’s been going on we actually have NO retrograde planets this month!  We do have the big changes of Mars and Saturn’s transit into Aquarius just 10 days ago though. This can bring new rules enforced onto humanity but also strong energy to find ways for us to combat the issues at hand.  Venus, love and money planet, moves into fickle but dual Gemini on the 3rd. We can come up with more than one way to earn income but it goes too fast. Partners may seem to be unavailable or distant now for many different reasons.  

The Full Pink Moon in Libra on the 7th brings the events of the last two weeks to a peak both personally and globally.  Expect more to be revealed and intense moments taking place. We have been under a lot of pressure in many ways and emotions can surface now so be kind and carry on!  The communication planet Mercury visits impulsive Aries on the 11th for the next 17 days so quick words or decisions may be regretted later on. Mid-month the strong Aries Sun is also in a stressful place wanting expression. 

On the 20th the Sun enters stable Taurus where we slow down to become more practical.  The New Moon in Taurus on the 22nd begins a new lunar cycle that has a challenging start but ends with ease.  Being one of the financial signs, we can expect to see new methods implemented that will bring some relief to the conditions at hand personally and globally.  Then, on the 27th as April ends, thinking planet Mercury also enters into Taurus slowing our thoughts down to make more conservative decisions.

ARIES:  Relationships take the spotlight with necessary adjustments due to challenges and changes.  Conversations are pleasant; social life restricted. New financial plans due to changes in values and future goals later on.  

TAURUS:  Health issues may surface. Travel may be restricted.  Position can end or bring more responsibility. Finances enhanced but uncertain.  Your own personal new year begins now; direction may change; grow.  

GEMINI:  You are favored and popular now!  The spotlight on fun and romance brings adjustments and challenges finances.  Travel safely. New insight gives questions to old beliefs which allows letting go of old patterns.

CANCER:  Home and family are in the spotlight as beliefs get balanced.  Partners may challenge you to grow. Enjoy some of your downtime alone.  New, unexpected goals challenge finances but others may support you.      

LEO:  Highlight falls on short trips, deep conversations.  Friendships are enjoyed. Relationships become serious; strong ones will continue, others meet their end.  A new position or career option could be empowering.   

VIRGO:  Income is front and center as you modify expenses and get partners on board.  A hobby can be empowering. Work may add duties or chores overwhelm. New paths in education open and include creativity.     

LIBRA:  You are in the spotlight now; modify health habits and deal with home and family issues.  Romance gets serious and hobbies practical. A new path in finances brings sudden restrictions but ultimately empowers.  

SCORPIO:  Focus falls on private life then activity in the workplace.  Adjust to family responsibilities and home projects. Resources may be enhanced.  A new start with relationships late this month can be sudden but serious. 

SAGITTARIUS:  Social life and friendships are your focus.  Money may both come and go. Conversations get serious.  Relationships are very pleasant. New paths open in wellness and work that increases income.   

CAPRICORN:  Career and position are highlighted; you’re in charge.  Finances get needed attention; plans. Health improves and work is pleasant.  New energy fills romance and recreation later this month!

AQUARIUS:  Education or travel can stimulate deep thinking and introspection.  Love and fun time are enjoyed, and your energy is high. A serious tone prevails as Saturn visits your sign; pace yourself now.    

PISCES:  Financial concerns are addressed; groups, friends support.  Homelife and family time enjoyable. It’s time to clear out anything that holds you back.  Conversations awaken; short trips are empowering.   


Sirius Systems Astrological Services
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