Help keep fishing line out of the bay!
Tampa Bay Watch partners with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission in their statewide initiative to recycle old fishing line, through a network of monofilament collection bins called “monotubes”.
Monofilament or “mono”, is another term for the commonly used plastic fishing line. It has great fishing utility, but takes over 600 years to break down and can result in wildlife entanglement, accidental hooks, and ingestion. Let’s keep fishing line out of our waterways!
Take action to protect our wildlife by adopting the two monotubes at the St. Pete Pier, 800 2nd Ave NE, St. Pete, 33701.
Adoption involves checking your designated location once a month to empty its contents and clean/prep the collected line for recycling. We are asking that volunteers commit a minimum of one year for any chosen site. The collected fishing line is sent to Berkley Fishing for recycling!
Ready to adopt? Please complete this form.