5th Annual Holidays in the Habitat Art Contest

tbw-kidsart2We are seeking Tampa Bay-area children in grades K-4 and 5-8 to submit artwork adhering to the theme “Holidays in the Tampa Bay Habitat.” The winners’ artwork will be featured in Tampa Bay Watch’s annual holiday greeting cards. In addition, the winning artwork will be featured in the December issue of Paradise News!

How does it work?

It’s simple: you do what you do best—draw or paint a masterpiece and submit it to us for judging by our committee. But to qualify for this contest, your theme must feature “Holidays in the Tampa Bay Habitat.” Think about the Tampa Bay estuary, its shorelines, the watershed and the creatures that live in this very unique and special place called Tampa Bay, and tie it into a holiday theme. That’s it!

tbw-kidsartThe rules:

– Two categories for Tampa Bay area kids: a) those in grades K-4, and b) those in grades 5-8.
– Artwork theme must revolve around “holidays in the Tampa Bay habitat.”
– All drawings and paintings must be submitted on letter-size (81/2” x 11”) paper, one side only. PLEASE DO NOT FOLD ART!
– Only original art (no scanned digital images) will be accepted.
– Each submission must have artist’s name and age on the back of each entry.
– Mail your entries to Tampa Bay Watch (no e-mails will be accepted).

Submission information and deadline.

All entries must be received by November 16, 2015. One (1) entry will be selected from each grade category, with the winner notified by December 1, 2015. The winning entry and contest “honorable mentions” will be featured on the Tampa Bay Watch website and in Tampa Bay Watch’s winter newsletter. All entrants must submit a completed entry form and signed release from parent(s). All forms can be found by clicking here.


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