5 Ways to Help Your Older Neighbors

1- Shop for their groceries or share your excess.
Shop for groceries for your older neighbors OR if you over-purchased some items last week like toilet paper, soap or other basics, you can share them with your neighbor or donate them to a local senior center or food bank. 

2- Check-in to make sure they have all the medications they need.
Leave a note at their door with your contact information and offer your assistance if they need anything from their medication to help in the yard to their pet walked.

3- Gift them a puzzle to help occupy their time.
Or something they need for one of their hobbies!  

4- Share ways they can engage online. 
You can start by send them our growing list of ways to explore Pinellas County online here. If you have their contact information share articles, videos, links you think are funny, interesting, enjoyable. 

5- Be a friend! 
If they are tech-savy, Facetime/Skype/video chat them. If they aren’t, give them a good, old-fashioned phone call. We all need someone to talk to! 

Thank you to everyone washing your hands, keeping your distance and spreading kindness during this difficult time.

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