5 Ways to Explore Tampa Bay & Pinellas County While Staying Safer at Home

1- Read the Latest or Past Issues of Paradise News
We know its a shameless plug, but we want to remind you that you can always read the current issue of Paradise News on our website at ParadiseNewsFL.com/current-issue. You can also read our past issues online at Issuu.com/paradisenewsfl. We hope you enjoy it! 

2- Spend Time with the Animals at a Local Zoo or Aquarium! 
The Florida Aquarium has launched their ongoing SEA-SPAN series here.
ZooTampa at Lowry Park is going live with their animals here.
MOTE Marine Lab & Aquarium is sharing everything marine themed here.

3- Enjoy Music Courtesy of The Florida Orchestra
The Florida Orchestra is bringing their music to you at home through videos by their musicians on the TFO Facebook page and live recordings of 13 full concerts which will be aired on WSMR radio. Learn more here.

4- Explore a Local Museum
You can take virtual tours of the Dali online including experiencing the ‘Dreams of Dali exhibit here. Great Explorations Children’s Museum is bringing their unique learning, discovering and imagining to you with GreatEx At Home! Check it out here. St. Petersburg Museum of History is getting online with their St. Pete in a Snap: Stories of Our Past, a digital peek at the Museum of History and the countless stories that make up our unique community. Check it out on their social media- @HistoryStPete on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram!

5- Get Involved in Local Politics
Your city’s website is the place for you to start engaging in your local community and government. Many of our local city governments offer some if not all of the following through their website:

  • Email Subscriptions for Weekly or Monthly Updates
  • Forms for You to Submit Your Concerns 
  • Ways for You to Contact Your Offials
  • Live Streaming of City Meetings
  • Ways for You to Participate in City Meetings from Home
  • Smart Phone Apps which allow residents to easily report issues needing attention. App users will also receive messages about emergencies, road construction slowdowns & detours and more. 

To get started head to your city’s website. Make sure you are signed up for emails as they can be your best way to know when and how you can engage.

Get the facts at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html.

Did we miss one? Let us know at paradisenewsfl@gmail.com.

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