37th Annual and LAST EVER John’s Pass Seafood & Music Festival

John’s Pass Village and Boardwalk, Florida’s LARGEST Seafood Festival, has announced that this will be the last year for the event as the community has known it. The John’s Pass Village Association will no longer be putting on the event. The association currently holds the responsibility for all event logistics and promotion.

The overall cost of hosting the event has multiplied over five times the cost from just five years ago. The mission and  goal of the John’s Pass Seafood Festival Committee for the past five years has been “to serve the John’s Pass Village & Boardwalk Association by funding the annual marketing efforts and to serve their community by contributing to local nonprofits and national charities.” In 2016 the event was able to donate $34,000 to charities.

“We were happy to give back, positivity and growth is what we are about. We support our local merchants and our charities that contribute to our great community.” – Matt Powers, John’s Pass Village Association Vice President

Prior to 2017 no fees for the festival were charged by the City of Madeira Beach. This year the City’s estimated fees of $42,000. After several presentations at public meetings and countless hours of meetings with City staff their local commission voted just seven weeks prior to the festival opening date to waive $30,000 in parking. Leaving $12,000 estimated due.

“John’s Pass Seafood Festival can not continue without the support of the City of Madeira Beach. The current administration and commission delayed approval of the event to the point of this year nearly not occurring. We can’t risk that loss in the future.”  – Sonny Flynn, John’s Pass Village Association President and Chair of John’s Pass Seafood Festival

General increase in fees are to be expected overtime with the event’s growing attendance but the rate at which the costs increased no longer allows for the mission and goals of the event to occur. All costs of the event logistics have risen including Pinellas County Off Duty Sheriff’s hourly rate per officer and number of officers required on site.

This year’s festival will be held Thursday, October 25th to Sunday October 28th and is set to celebrate all that John’s Pass Seafood Festival set out to be including non-stop musical performances from some of the best local bands, amazing seafood, local businesses and craft vendors.


Flavors of The Gulf VIP Experience – Thursday, October 25 Tickets available at Racehawk.com.
Halloween Block Party – Friday, October 26 $5,000 in cash prizes hosted by Wild 94.1’s The Nuthouse.
Seafood Festival 5K – Saturday, October 27 All finishers receive a medal! Learn more on Racehawk.com.
Children’s Halloween Costume Contest – Saturday, October 27 Join us at 3:00 p.m. in front of Windworks.
World Record Bloody Mary Toast – Sunday, October 28 All proceeds American Heart Association.

Battle at the Pass Fishing Tournament – Sunday, October 28 All skill levels welcome, register Anglerarmory.com.

1 thought on “37th Annual and LAST EVER John’s Pass Seafood & Music Festival”

  1. Sad situation. We always planned our vacations there around this Festival. Guess we may be changing our location in future years. Thanks for putting on such a wonderful experience for all of us!

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