february-2013-coverMany readers have asked about the cover of our February 2013 issue and we are more than happy to share the story with you.  The photo is a real photo Renee took on a special afternoon at Pass-A-Grille Beach two and a half years ago.

The photo was taken June 15, 2010, after Dr. Masaru Emoto, a spiritual Japanese scientist and photographer led a prayer session in Pass-a-Grille. Oil was still flowing from the broken BP well when the Unity Church brought Dr. Emoto and his son from Japan to lead more than 200 church members in prayers for forgiveness for what we were doing to the water and the creatures that depend on it.

doctor-emoto-water-crystals-gIt was a powerful moment, even more so as, unbeknownst to Renee, she was to a great extent responsible. It was her unique knowledge about Emoto and her intention that got him here in the first place. She had read about his research and had bought books about his photos of frozen water crystals that had been exposed to various influences. Paradise NEWS wrote an article about him. She had just read about him holding prayer sessions at endangered bodies of water elsewhere in the world and said,  “We need to bring him here for the Gulf!”

Without a lot of hope, Peter had emailed the Unity Church, whom he knew had brought Deepak Chopra to town. They had not heard back, and it was pure chance that he and Renee even found out Dr. Emoto would be leading a prayer ceremony for the Unity Church later that afternoon. Peter and Renee joined two hundred Unity Church members at the Paradise Grille for a blessing of our Gulf Waters. The ceremony included music, a speech by Dr. Emoto and a prayer repeated three times by all in attendance. At the end of his speech the crowd faced our waters and shared their prayer,

“To whales, dolphins pelicans, fishes,
shell fishes, planktons, corals, algae,
and all creatures in the Gulf of Mexico:
I am sorry. Please forgive me.
Thank you. I love you.”

After the moving event, Dr. Emoto asked for a sign that our prayers had been heard, and we all saw the heart open in the clouds. While others were gathering water samples, Renee snapped the photo.

Renee considers the high energy present at the event an unparalleled experience in her life.  While others were taking water samples after the event, Renee looked to the sky and saw her heart in the clouds.  She quickly reached for her camera and captured the image you can now enjoy on the cover of this month’s issue.  Renee considers the image a thank-you from the universe for the consideration and love given it with the Unity Church and Dr. Emoto.

More than an image of Valentine’s Day, the cover photo is a reminder of how the universe can manage to align itself to bring us hope and love.

Dr. Emoto originated the idea of taking photos of frozen water crystals in 1994. After months of trial and error with different water sources, Dr. Emoto discovered that while tap water did not produce the crystalline structures he desired, water from streams and lakes produced beautiful, unique crystal structures.  Dr. Emoto claims that when exposed to good stimuli he observed the crystals take beautiful forms and when exposed to negative stimuli the crystals became disfigured. Each stimulus generated a different crystal structure.  Dr. Emoto believes the result is a manifestation of energetic vibration or the resonation of vibration into tangible objects.

Date: February 2013

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