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“Get Sirius about your future!”

Happy New Year!  We are starting out this year with Mercury REtrograde through January 18th.  REsolutions will be more about REleasing and REsolving before we are able to implement new plans.  Energy planet Mars will be in Retrograde until the 12th before its influence is accessible, too.  Eclipses come in the spring and fall this year to shake up old patterns and a Venus Retrograde from late July until early September has us rethinking our relationships and values.  Lucky Jupiter starts out in Aries but moves on to Taurus in May for the rest of the year.  Taskmaster Saturn will leave Aquarius in March and bring its discipline to Pisces for the next two years.  Transformation planet Pluto will briefly leave Capricorn in March and visit Aquarius until June.  Then it retreats back into Capricorn for the rest of the year to complete the metamorphosis of our personal and global structures.         

CLICK HERE for Sarah Lyon’s calendar for 2023 Retrogrades and how they will affect your life.

CAPRICORN:  The family grows and gets along well; you want more space at home or redecorate.  You are reviewing and evaluating all areas of life until spring; then focus on social affairs and future plans. Conversations become serious and siblings need support for the next two years.  Daily life is filled with duties.  Sudden changes occur with children or love affairs which enjoy success or new growth in May.  Extreme interest in values and finances begins; you manage well. Venus retrograde in summer will have you rearranging finances; beware of sudden speculation or risky ventures.  The first fall eclipse initiates modifications in career or position for a new direction.  The next eclipse brings out creativity and willingness to take risks financially or emotionally. Situations with children surface for attention.                

AQUARIUS:  You are restless; enjoy short trips and conversations and enjoy a lively daily routine until spring.  Attention then turns to family members and home life.  Your career or position may change with the eclipse energy and a balance is needed with the domestic situation.  Income and spending will be assessed over the next two years and possessions are streamlined.  The spring also begins an ongoing slow metamorphosis into your life on a personal and extreme level.  You may become empowered or want to totally change course.  Venus retrograde will have you reconnect in personal and professional relationships. The first October eclipse brings new energy options for education and highlights long-distance travel.  The next one reveals home and family situations that need attention as well as deep inner needs for security and well-being.        

PISCES:  The year begins with reconnecting in social life and reviewing goals.  You are fortunate financially and your income may increase.  Then spring brings a serious tone as you begin to implement new conservative beliefs that give you more security and stability.  Health concerns on all levels need to come first now.  Responsibilities are great but may come with rewards.  You start to uncover subconscious thoughts and patterns that eventually bring a better understanding of frustrations or fears.  Venus retrograde can bring a renewed connection in the workplace or assist in releasing indulging habits that affect wellness.  The October eclipses first activate resources and support from others.  Then communication, short trips, and siblings play major roles in opportunities for forward progress.             

ARIES:  Jupiter brings fortune and opportunities to you through April then may increase income which will be unpredictable all year.  The April Eclipse challenges your sign to release old patterns. The May Eclipses stimulate finances and resources and may bring endings in general.  Responsibilities in social areas continue until March then you may be inclined to go within, work better alone and spend time in introspection. You enjoy creativity on many levels and feel called to help others.  Your insight and intuition are vital all year.  Career and position are reevaluated and modified through March.  April and May bring interest in humanitarian issues, then a focus falls back on personal career transformation.  Midsummer reconnecting in love life is necessary.  The October Eclipses bring relationship awareness and a final look into your values and earning possibilities going forward.            

TAURUS:  Your interest in meditation and introspection continues until spring when Jupiter enters your sign.  Then, luck, growth, opportunities, and travel are likely for the rest of the year.  Your career or position has been evaluated and will likely have changes in early spring. The April Eclipse in Aries assists in clearing out old patterns.  The May Eclipse highlights relationships.  The Venus retrograde this summer reconnects you to home life and family members.  Responsibilities to friends and social groups begin in early spring continuing all year.  Your need to help others continues this year.  Intuition and sensitivity are also heightened. The October Eclipse in Libra highlights the workplace, duties, and health, while the Eclipse in Taurus brings new energy and vitality to your sign.    

GEMINI:  Energy planet Mars has been in your sign stimulating and frustrating you since last fall and leaves by spring.  Lucky Jupiter opens doors socially until spring, then assists inner growth and gives protection.  Early spring brings a focus on career and position with karmic rewards and penalties with Saturn.  Pluto begins to transform your beliefs and finishes necessary endings mid-year onward.  The spring Eclipses highlight social interactions and bring changes to the workplace.  Health issues may also surface.  When Venus retrogrades you reconnect in conversations, short trips, and with siblings.  Eclipses in the fall accent romance, recreation, and children; as well as the beginning of a new cycle in private life and inner exploration. Changes in work and health are still a major priority this year.                       

CANCER:  Your year begins with career expansion and opportunities, but energy is limited.  Relationships are evaluated with the April eclipse and new doors open socially in personal and professional life. Beliefs will be examined, and teaching may be a new role, but you remain tolerant of others.  You will have good financial sense, investigative, and regeneration abilities.  Travel may come with duties, obligations.  Romance and children bring excitement and the unexpected in the spring.  Venus retrograde allows you to reexamine values and financial matters but be careful with spending. The October eclipses bring focus to family matters and the home front itself.  Then, new beginnings in your social circle and with future plans begin.  Your year ends by reconnecting with partners and associates.   

LEO: Opportunities to travel or advance education are in effect until spring, then Jupiter brings growth, success, and recognition to your career.  Spring eclipses bring attention to home life with sudden developments likely.  Your relationships continue to be evaluated until summer.  

April and May bring powerful people into your life.  Health and work issues that have plagued you for years will continue to resurface, be transformed, and end with this year.  In July all things financial will begin to be addressed and continue for the next two years. You may receive money or handle finances for others.  Debts must be accounted for.  Venus retro in your sign this summer gives you a look into your values.  If considering a makeover wait until the direct motion.  The October eclipses accent conversations, daily life, and short trips and put a spotlight on your status, career and advancement.       

VIRGO: Resources increase until spring then opportunities for travel that bring luck and success.  Learning is increased and your belief system is broadened.  Short and long trips and education are accented with the spring eclipses.  Career difficulties should subside in March, and you work hard toward your goals. Relationships will solidify or prove to be inadequate over the next two years.  April and May bring modifications to the workplace and health issues begin to surface. July and August your energy is high.  In the last half of the year, romance is challenged, and children need attention.  Venus retrograde will remind you to retreat and recharge; meditate and spend time alone.  The October eclipses bring attention to earning and values as well as opening your mind to new ideas.         

LIBRA:  Partnerships are fortunate and legal affairs go well through April.  You are busy finishing up loose ends until spring.  Work will be demanding for the next two years, and you may push yourself at the cost of your health.  Make a wellness plan you’ll stick to.  Romance and interaction with children become intense in the spring bringing transformation to those relationships.  The spring eclipses bring endings to partnerships that have lived their life and a focus on values and income.  Venus retrograde reconnects you to friends as you evaluate social connections.  The first October eclipse is in your sign initiating new beginnings and self-expression, while letting go of family situations or deep inner issues.  The last eclipse accents resources and financial matters; bringing out whatever needs to be finished or ended.                     

SCORPIO:  Health will improve, and the workplace will be enjoyable until spring.  Then relationships open doors and bring fortunate opportunities.  Loose ends are attended to until spring. Family obligations continue with more focus on children.  Romance becomes serious or ends.  The first eclipse helps you let go of duties or work that needs to end.  Health matters are revealed.  The May eclipse is the last one in your sign for many years.  It brings awareness to yourself and opens new paths as you break away from unstable individuals.  Your inner world is about to undergo a slow but steady upheaval and bring changes in family relationships.  Venus will be retrograde in your career area bringing past support back to assist you.  The fall eclipses highlight turning points in health and close relationships.                    

SAGITTARIUS:  Children are successful and romance blossoms until spring when attention moves to the improvements in the workplace and in general health. The eclipses accent decisions on love relationships and may uncover hidden facts.  Sudden changes at work or breakthroughs in health are likely.  A focus on family obligations also begins in spring and home repairs or improvements.  Conversations become deep; siblings bring extreme situations.  Venus retrograde could inspire a return trip to a favorite location or a desire to expand your horizons in learning.  The first fall eclipse brings new social interactions and a desire to focus on future plans.  The next eclipse is the last one to bring awareness to health, work, and duties allowing you to break free from old patterns no longer working.

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