Encouraging Words: It’s Time To Put 2022 In the Rearview Mirror

By Dr. Dennis Merritt Jones

Three Steps to a New You in the New Year

“The New Year is a painting not yet painted; a path not yet stepped on; a wing not yet taken off! Things haven’t happened yet! Before the clock strikes twelve, remember that you are blessed with the ability to reshape your life!”  ~ Mehmet Murat ildan

Now that 2022 is in the review mirror, can you feel the energy of renewal calling you to prepare for the launch into 365 days of greater possibilities? The consensus from most of those with whom I have spoken is they can’t wait to say “bye-bye” to 2022. Much like spirited racehorses, many folks are already lining up at the starting gate of 2023 with unbridled enthusiasm, ready for the sprint to the finish line. My question is, are they running “into” a new year with vision, passion, and joy – or are they anxiously (fearfully) running “away from” the past year because 2022 was rife with so much pain and disappointment? Our perspective matters because the energy we generate around either of those perspectives will follow us into 2023 like our own shadow on a sunny day.

How to Make 2023 All It Can Be

Understanding the role, one’s consciousness (or belief system) plays in creating their experience of 2023, I am taking an intentional time-out this week to gain some clarity around this point; what part of the energetic imprint (memories attached to specific experiences) of 2022 will I choose to say “bye-bye” to and leave behind – and what part will I bring with me? Just being aware that I have the power to make that choice metaphorically puts me in the driver’s seat as I cruise down the highway, crossing the borderline of a new “state” of consciousness in a new year. For many people, it all begins with making a New Year’s resolution. I must admit, I gave up declaring resolutions years ago; I concluded they go in “one year” and out the other. Our resolutions rarely come to fruition because we cannot stay the course long enough to see the results; it takes time to manifest a change of consciousness. Ultimately, we come to realize that “will power” won’t win because it is usually short-lived and difficult to maintain. After a period, the conscious mind tires, becomes bored or distracted, and caves in. If we want to introduce a genuine change in our lives in 2023, it’s not only our behavior we must change; it’s our consciousness or belief system that supports our behavior. This change can require time and mindful effort. To assist you, I offer three simple suggestions that will be helpful in assuring your successful arrival at the finish line of your highest intention in 2023.

1. BE GENTLE WITH YOURSELF when you fall down, backslide, or metaphorically go unconscious and take a snooze. The practice is not to beat yourself up; it’s getting back up and continuing to move in the direction you wish to go, one step at a time.

2. PACE YOURSELF with some form of measurable results. Consider using a goal sheet and journal to daily log your progress, celebrating the small steps with certain earmark accomplishments (goals) 

along the way.

3. DON’T SHARE YOUR GOALS with the trolls; do not share your intentions with those who will try to undermine your success. DO, however, invite a loving and trusted friend, counselor, or mentor to hold you accountable and be your faithful cheerleader.

As you enter the new year, may you inscribe these words of Nido Qubein in your heart and mind: “Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go. They merely determine where you start.” May 2023 be the year you intend it to be. May you find the courage to start where you are and stay the course leading to fulfillment of your heart’s greatest desires. Remember, success is not always about who wins the race; it’s about who finishes.

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