2022 Astrology Forecast by Sarah Lyons

Happy New Year, Everyone!  2022 has begun but instead of charging right out of the gate to start new goals, the celestial patterns are more inclined to have us REthink and REvise our plans!  Venus will be REtrograde until January 29th, for love, values, and money REsets.  Mercury REtrogrades on January 14th, for REleasing and REconsidering before we jump into new endeavors.  Eclipses come in spring, then later in the fall joined by a Mars REtrograde.  Pisces and Aries enjoy the expansion of Jupiter this year.  The RE energy will also be seen on a global level as we attempt to REgain some certainties and stability in our lives. But, it’s best to keep going with the flow and adapt as needed to the changes coming our way. So, plan well but be ready for anything in this highly aspected year!        

Visit Sarah Lyons’ website at http://sarahlyonsastrologer.com/.

CAPRICORN:  Venus favors you until February ends, increasing popularity and charm!  You also have high energy from Mars until then, but watch the budget in March.  Jupiter keeps you on the go with short trips and many communications until May; then home life and family see growth and enjoy opportunities until the fall.  Eclipses focus on your love life, children, goals, and friendships this year.  Attractions can be exciting and fun, but unstable.  Saturn is keeping you focused on finances and you will receive and pay on a karmic level this year; clearing up loose ends.  Neptune continues to stimulate your imagination and intuition with art and literature being good outlets.  Pluto the great transformer is still quietly bringing the development you need into your life as it eliminates the old, clearing way for the future.          

AQUARIUS:  Mercury retro in your sign begins your year with a review. A focus on health and private matters to help you put the year in perspective.  Saturn in your sign all year keeps bringing karmic rewards and debts to be paid.  March brings both popularity from Venus and high energy from Mars!  Jupiter may increase income but bring a tendency to spend especially in April.  Eclipses affecting your home and family area begin in May and will reoccur in the fall.  Expect a few surprises and a change in career or status may also occur this year.  The last half of the year interest in learning and travel or short trips are likely.  You are easy-going and daily life keeps you busy.  Neptune has been bringing a stronger value to spiritual matters and helping others just be sure to help yourself first and watch out for pitfalls.  

PISCES:  Lucky Jupiter is in your sign until May then returns in the fall bringing growth and opportunities your way!  Travel and education are likely but watch for excess or over-extending yourself.  April brings high energy and favorable vibes; with enhanced income possibilities in May.  The time spent alone may be creative but too much isolation will lead to mental stress. 

Eclipses activate your travel, education, and communication areas in spring and fall. Breakthroughs in areas that have held you back come through learning and opening your mind.  Siblings may be unpredictable.  Friends and friendships may undergo complete transformations.  Let go of anyone or group that is not in your best interest. You are still in the phase of finding a new path or new identity, keep reimagining yourself; be patient.         

ARIES:  Your year begins focused on career and position rethinking your goals! Should you go out on your own?  March will be a social month with professionals or personal friends that may require commitments.  You have great protection this year and from May through October when Jupiter enters your sign, growth and opportunities will be yours! May will also bring favor from
Venus and your Mars energy kicks in the last week.  Eclipses fall in the financial sector with changes in resources and values ongoing.  A sudden windfall or expense is likely and income is erratic.  Your alone time may be spent creatively and on
much needed recharging and self-care. You feel more in charge of your life this year and ready to look ahead with confidence.  Reconnecting in relationships for clarity will be beneficial.             

TAURUS:  Travel adventures may have setbacks until March; go with the flow.  Letting go of old beliefs may be a resolution for this year.  In March you are popular with superiors in professional and personal life; plus you have the drive to excel in your career or status!  April is more about social activities with an interest in groups or organizations resulting in mutually beneficial opportunities!  The wild card planet Uranus continues to shake up your world with the unpredictable!  Eclipses join this planet in your sign this year with both the spring and 

fall bringing sudden change and breaking down old patterns.  You are bold and not afraid to be original!  Your career is demanding but you can work around obligations. Your social contacts will provide opportunities through May and then a guardian angel watches over you thereafter.  You are popular and favored in June; full of energy in July.         

GEMINI:  You are busy with finances as the year begins; review and reset.  Travel is enjoyable and adventurous in March; go alone or with a friend!  You have favor with the boss or other superiors in April and are ready to take on the world!  Through April the opportunities for advancement are everywhere with eclipses setting off workplace changes in May then again in the fall.  Health concerns with breakthroughs both physical and mental are liberating.  May through October Jupiter brings social contacts to open doors personally and professionally. Saturn energy brings a good year for thorough education and understanding that may result in a change in your beliefs.  Uranus gives the desire to break free from restraints and do things your way as Neptune continues to cloud your path with uncertainty.               

CANCER:  Relationships are undergoing transformations both personal and business under Pluto’s watch until February ends; some stay and some go.  Resources and finances are enhanced in March but still, Saturn wants karmic debts settled, too.  Neptune gives interest in spiritual journeys and opportunities are abundant for travel or education; especially through May as Jupiter opens doors. Expansion in your career or position follows until October, then off you go again! Eclipses in the spring and fall will accent children, love and romance, friendships, and goals!  Unpredictable Uranus also brings sudden changes in those same areas this year.  You may also find yourself involved in humanitarian groups or some that are more unconventional in their undertakings. June brings favor, July energy!                       

LEO:  Health and wellness goals are revamped with the new year as you end indulgent habits.  Holiday fun winds down and work keeps you busy!  March steers energy into relationships when partners are cooperative and pleasant, but Saturn’s karmic requirements must be met and accepted. In April resources may be enhanced or let go. Jupiter brings support from others until May, then gives you the travel bug!  Neptune brings assistance all year and increases both psychic abilities and intuition.  Eclipses in May are bringing some unexpected changes in career or status.  Your home itself, as well as family life, will see changes that could be both exciting and unexpected.  Venus will be in your sign the month of August and you shine!                            

VIRGO:  Homelife is where the action is as your year begins!  Love life and children are all in need of reconnection and recreation as old patterns are let go.  Saturn has you working hard again this year but in March you will have the energy and charm to get further ahead!  Jupiter is blessing you in relationships with love planets Venus and Mars joining the mix in April to assist in mutual advancement!  Neptune keeps the rose-colored glasses on for romantic idealism.  May through October resources and assistance from others come in many ways!  The spring and fall eclipses stimulate travel both near and far as well as educational interests as many changes take place with Uranus leading you down some unconventional paths.  Avoid legal affairs if possible. September, Venus brings you charms and beauty.          

LIBRA:  Reconnecting with family and refreshing the home is your theme in the new year.  Release anything in these areas that no longer works.  In March your love life and creativity are enhanced and energized by Venus and Mars!  Saturn remains karmic in romance and a fated feeling is likely. April brings high activity to your workplace with four planets in motion!  Lucky Jupiter brings opportunities for growth or travel with work and also improvement in health issues until May; then again in the fall. Neptune energy isn’t clear in these areas. May through October brings fortunate relationships both business and personal! Eclipses in spring and fall are activating areas of finances and resources with Uranus promising some unexpected gains or expenses.  Values change and old patterns end.      

SCORPIO: Everyday life, conversations, and short trips bring intense moments and transformation on deep levels; reconnect and resolve.  March will accent the home and family relationships with fiery Mars and favorable Venus, but Saturn still brings responsibilities and obligations in these areas.  Lucky Jupiter promises fun and romance until May; with April being a high point!  Eclipses in spring and fall are in your sign highlighting both you and your relationships with the unexpected!  Wellness and relating are front and center all year as you take care of yourself and important partners.  Allow individuality and adapt to the many changes.  Children should do well this year but don’t worry about uncertainties; intuition and creativity will help guide them and yourself as well.          

SAGITTARIUS:  The new year has you reviewing finances and planning for expenses and this area continues to experience upheaval.  By March you are ready for a short trip and connecting to others but doing so may be for obligations.  There may be an increase in the family this year; redecorating at home, too, with April highlighted!  It’s a good time to visit relatives up until May then again in the fall; misunderstandings may continue but aren’t charged.  May until October enjoy time with children, love life, and creative projects.  Eclipses are bringing necessary changes to your workplace or job itself.  Expect sudden developments in both spring and fall.  Health issues may arise suddenly or breakthroughs come through alternative wellness.

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