So You Want to be Gulfport’s 2021 Gecko Queen?

Sure, Gulfport has a mayor and council, but that doesn’t stop them from electing a Gecko Queen. What does a Gecko Queen do, exactly? Well, uh, the title’s largely ceremonial. She – or he, or they – attends Gecko Ball, marches in parades, kisses a lot of dogs, and presides over the pronouncement of the annually elected pet mayor (that’s where the dog-kissing comes into play).

Could you be Gulfport’s next Gecko Queen? Well, if you love Gecko Ball, costumes, and the general spectacle of Gecko World – and if you can submit a photo and brief statement about why you should be Gulfport’s next queen, yes you can!

They will accept nominations via email through June 30, and they will notify the winner by the end of July. Gulfport crowns the queen at Gecko Ball on August 28Tickets go on sale July 4. Send a photo and tell them briefly why you’re Gulfport’s next queen to Gecko Grand Damme Brittney Sherley at

Learn more about Geckofest at

Information courtesy of the City of Gulfport.

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