Madeira Beach is a small beach community with some big ideas. From re-development to sea turtle protections, residents in Madeira Beach engage in civic discussions daily. City leaders and elected officials pay attention to
those conversations as they can provide an indicator of what residents want to see in their community.

The new 2019 Community Values Survey is available on the city’s website and asks residents, business owners and visitors for feedback in several areas including demographics, city priorities, most utilized services and more. “Right now, we are getting a solid response rate with some very intriguing feedback,” said Madeira Beach Public Information Officer Curt Preisser. “We do a lot of outreach in the community, but not everyone can come to a public event or meeting, so the survey helps us ensure that everyone has a chance to be heard.”

The survey, which is available on the city’s website, poses 34 questions in the areas of economic development, workforce housing, government transparency, project priorities and more. The average length of time it takes to complete the survey is about nine minutes. Last year, the first time the city issued the survey, more than 530 responses were recorded.

“The Community Values Survey is an important tool used by the Board of Commissioners and city staff in prioritizing where to devote taxpayer resources in our community,” said City Manager Jonathan Evans. “While it’s not scientific, the survey is important because it provides the average citizen an opportunity to be a part of building a better community.”

For more information contact Curt Preisser, City of Madeira Beach Public Information Officer at 727-391-9951 x299 or

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