Where Your Life Jacket to Work Day on Friday May, 18th

The 2019 National Boating Safety Week (NBSW) is May 18-24 with May 17th designated as “Wear Your Life Jacket to Work Day.” The NBSW campaign offers life-saving tips for recreational boaters and paddlers, educates the public on safe boating behaviors like wearing a lifejacket, attending USCG Auxiliary Boating Safety class and having the USCG Auxiliary perform a vessel safety check on your boat.

“These measures are needed to reduce the fatality rate in boating accidents on our national and state waters,” said USCG Flotilla Commander Joe Primosch. According to the National Boating Safety Council, there were 4,291 boating accidents in 2017 resulting in 658 deaths with 269 of those
fatalities occurring in boats under 16ft. Drowning was the cause of death in 76% of the casualties, and of those, 85% were not wearing life jackets.

“Wearing your life jacket is the single most important act you can do to save your life and the life of someone you care about.” The USCG Auxiliary Flotilla 11-3 in Madeira Beach, in conjunction with the City of Madeira Beach, will kick-off National Safe Boating Week by promoting “Wear your Life Jacket to Work Day” with the Mayor, City Manager and staff of Madeira Beach in the Commission Chamber on May 17th at 10 a.m. Local boaters are encouraged to attend and bring your life jackets!

USCG Auxiliary Flotilla 11-3 will also be available to perform safety vessel checks on boats and paddle craft May 18 – 24,

  • 8 – 10 a.m. at Bay Pines VA Healthcare, 10000 Bay Pines Blvd.
  • 10 a.m. – noon at Madeira Beach Marina Boat Ramp, 503 150th Ave.

Safety inspections can also be arranged online at the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary Official Web Portal, www.cgaux.org, and from the USCG App.

Boating Safety Classes are taught the first Saturday of each month from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the USCG Auxiliary, 299 Boca Ciega Drive, Madeira Beach. Reservations can be made by calling 727-391-5185. For more information contact Curt Preisser, City of Madeira Beach Public Information Officer at 727-391-9951 x299 or cpreisser@madeirabeachfl.gov.

Information courtesy of the City of Madiera Beach.

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